Are Keto Diets Safe?
The effects of ketogenic diets on nutrient sufficiency, gut flora, and heart disease risk.
The effects of ketogenic diets on nutrient sufficiency, gut flora, and heart disease risk.
The clinical use of ketogenic diets for epilepsy and cancer: what does the science say?
The case for using a plant-based diet to reduce the burden of diabetes has never been stronger.
Genetic differences in caffeine metabolism may explain the Jekyll and Hyde effects of coffee.
The Mayo Clinic puts amygdalin to the test to see if it is an effective cancer treatment.
Do those who choose alternative cancer treatments live longer?
Oxidized cholesterol (concentrated in products containing eggs, processed meat, and parmesan cheese) has cancer-fueling estrogenic effects on human breast cancer.
Most Americans get less than half the recommended minimum fiber intake a day and the benefits of fiber go way beyond bowel regularity.
Avocados, greens, and lutein and zeaxanthin supplements are put to the test for improving cognitive function.
What is the best source of lutein, the primary carotenoid antioxidant in the brain?
How to choose the healthiest coffee, and the effects of adding milk vs. soymilk.
What does the best available balance of evidence say right now about what to eat and what to avoid to reduce your risk of cancer?
How effective is chemotherapy for colon, lung, breast, and prostate cancers?
Is black salve, a paste made from bloodroot, safe and effective for the treatment of skin cancer?
Do legumes—beans, chickpeas, split peas, and lentils—work only to prevent disease, or can they help treat and reverse it as well?
Which would save more lives: eating an apple a day or taking statin drugs?
In this video, I explain my traffic light system for ranking the relative healthfulness of Green Light vs. Yellow Light vs. Red Light foods.
If doctors don’t understand health statistics, how can they possibly properly counsel patients?
“Early” detection is actually really late. Without mammograms, breast cancer may not be caught for an average of 22.8 years. With mammograms, though, breast cancer may only grow and spread for…21.4 years.
After you watch this video, you’ll know more than an estimated 97 percent of doctors about a critical concept called lead-time bias.
What do nine in ten women say they were never told about mammograms, even though they thought they had the right to know?
Nine out of ten women don’t realize that some breast cancers would never have caused any problems or even become known in one’s lifetime. This is an issue ductal carcinoma in situ has brought to the forefront.
Every year, cannabis is estimated to result in two million years of healthy life lost due to disability. How much is that compared to alcohol and tobacco?
The mammogram paradox is that women who are harmed the most are the ones who claim the greatest benefit.
What is the risk-benefit ratio of the cancers picked up by mammograms and the cancers caused by mammograms?
For every life saved by mammography, as many as two to ten women are overdiagnosed and unnecessarily turned into breast cancer patients—and let’s not overlook all of the attendant harms of chemo, radiation, or surgery without the benefits.
Various health organizations offer clashing mammogram recommendations that range from annual mammograms starting at age 40 to eliminating routine mammograms altogether. Who should you trust?
What are the risks and benefits of getting an annual check-up from your doctor?
How can we properly cook beans?
Since white blood cell count is such a strong predictor of lifespan, what should we aim for and how do we get it there?
Since white blood cell count is a sign of systemic inflammation, it’s no surprise that those with lower white blood cell counts live longer.
How the lead industry got the best science money could buy.
Physical fitness authorities seem to have fallen into the same trap as the nutrition authorities, recommending what they think may be achievable, rather than simply informing us what the science says and letting us make up our own mind.
Selecting foods to improve pelvic blood flow and decrease inflammation both immediately after a meal and for the long term may improve sexual functioning in men and women.
When done right, love may protect your lover’s life.
The current generation of American kids may be one of the first generations to be less healthy and have shorter lifespans than their parents.
The aspirin compounds naturally found in plant foods may help explain the lower cancer rates among those eating plant-based diets.
Only about 1 in 10,000 people live to be 100 years old. What’s their secret?
What can our nutrient requirements, metabolism, and physiology tell us about what we should be eating?
Despite less education on average, a higher poverty rate, and more limited access to health care, U.S. Hispanics tend to live the longest. Why?