How Not To Age – Live Presentation
In this live lecture, Dr. Greger offers a sneak peek into his latest book, How Not to Age, a New York Times Best Seller.
Topic summary contributed by volunteer(s): Linda
While tuna may be a source of heart-healthy omega-3, mercury contamination is a major concern. The mercury in tuna (especially certain brands) may damage the brains of infants, children, and adults more than the mercury in vaccinations, amalgam teeth fillings, high-fructose corn syrup and Ayervedic supplements. Algae-based sources of omega-3 do not bring the danger of mercury contamination.
Tuna may also contain DDT (a banned pesticide still present in our food chain), PCB pollutants, and the carcinogens benzene and putrescine. Tuna sushi may contain fecal contamination in amounts exceeding National Food Standards guidelines. A toxin in tuna has even been found to cause a form of amnesia.
Protein from tuna and other animal sources may negatively affect kidney function. Tuna ranks among the most acid-producing foods, which can be associated with the formation of kidney stones.
For substantiation of any statements of fact from the peer-reviewed medical literature, please see the associated videos below.
Image Credit: Mogens Petersen / Pixabay. This image has been modified.
In this live lecture, Dr. Greger offers a sneak peek into his latest book, How Not to Age, a New York Times Best Seller.
Might biotin or zinc supplements prevent hair loss in men and women?
Broccoli, vinegar, and lemon juice are put to the test to blunt the glycemic index of white potatoes.
The problem with fish advisories that tell pregnant women to cut down on fish is that it may be too late for certain persistent pollutants.
Even though dietary oxalates may have a limited effect on kidney stone risk in most people, there are some predisposing factors that can put anyone at risk.
Plastic particles may exacerbate the pollutant contamination of fish.
Can ingested plastic particles from fish get into our bloodstream?
Oxidized cholesterol can be a hundred times more toxic than regular cholesterol, raising additional concerns about foods such as ghee, canned tuna, processed meat, and parmesan cheese.
Most hunters may not be aware about the health risks related to consuming meat from animals shot with lead ammunition.
What was the National Chicken Council’s response to public health authorities calling for the industry to stop feeding arsenic-based drugs to poultry?
Whole plant sources of sugar and fat can ameliorate some of the postprandial (after-meal) inflammation caused by the consumption of refined carbohydrates and meat.
Ninety percent of our exposure to the hormone-disrupting chemical bisphenol A (BPA) comes from certain components of our diet.
Why has fish consumption been associated with cognitive impairment and loss of executive function?
Organic chicken broth is popular with paleo diet advocates, but do tests indicate the presence of the toxic heavy metal lead?
Does maternal supplementation with the long-chain omega-3 fatty acid DHA improve psychomotor, mental, visual, or physical development of infants?
Anti-inflammatory drugs abolish the hyperfiltration and protein leakage response to meat ingestion, suggesting that animal protein causes kidney stress through an inflammatory mechanism.
Decreasing animal protein and sodium intake appears more effective in treating calcium oxalate and uric acid kidney stones (nephrolithiasis) than restricting calcium or oxalates.
Interventional studies support the population data that animal protein consumption appears to markedly increase the risk of kidney stones.
Protein consumption can exacerbate the insulin spike from high glycemic foods.
A study of 13 over-the-counter children’s fish oil supplements found that all were contaminated with PCB pollutants.
The levels of arsenic, banned pesticides, and dioxins exceeded cancer benchmarks in each of the 364 children tested. Which foods were the primary sources of toxic pollutants for preschoolers and their parents?
How many months does it take to clear 99% of the mercury and other industrial toxins from one’s body, and what role might our fat stores play in holding on to fat-soluble pollutants?
Risk/benefit analysis of 33 fish species contrasts the brain-boosting effects of DHA with the brain-damaging effects of mercury, to determine the net effect on intelligence (IQ).
Exposure to mercury during pregnancy appears to influence fetal brain development, as detected by decreased size of a newborn’s brain.
Plant-based diets tend to be alkaline-forming. This may help protect muscle mass, and reduce the risk of gout and kidney stones. The pH of one’s urine can be estimated with natural pigments, using kitchen chemistry.
Dioxins, endocrine disrupting pollutants, heavy metals, saturated fat, and steroids in the meat supply may be affecting sperm counts, semen quality, and the ability of men to conceive.
The majority of radioactive fallout from the Fukushima nuclear power plant tragedy was absorbed by the Pacific Ocean. What does that mean for seafood safety?
Hundreds of thousands of Americans are Salmonella-poisoned by poultry every year—yet it remains legal to sell meat proven to be contaminated.
Canned foods and sliced turkey were found to be contaminated with the plastics chemical BPA, which has been linked to cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and erectile dysfunction.
In a survey of three national brands of tuna in the United States, most cans exceeded the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s safety level for human consumption.
There’s a rare toxin, called domoic acid, that can turn up in tuna and other seafood and cause anterograde amnesia, the loss of short-term memory popularized in the movie Memento.
Both U.S.-made and imported Ayurvedic dietary supplements have high contamination rates of toxic metals such as mercury—though only a small fraction of the levels found in canned tuna.
Biogenic amines such as spermine, cadaverine, and putrescine are chemical compounds of decay that may have adverse health effects. Which foods are most contaminated: beer, blue cheese, feta cheese, kimchi, miso, sardines, sauerkraut, sausage, soy sauce, tempeh, tuna, or wine?
The mercury contamination in tuna and other fish may adversely impact future earnings by impairing brain function, and leading to a loss of intelligence (IQ).
Eating a can of tuna once a week is equivalent to living with how many mercury-containing amalgam tooth fillings?
Fifty different brands of high-fructose corn syrup-containing foods were tested for mercury.
When combined with ascorbic acid in soda, sodium benzoate can form the potent carcinogen benzene.
Balancing the risks and benefits of fish consumption.
The proportion of sushi that exceeds the national food standards guidelines for fecal bacteria levels.