Topic summary contributed by volunteer(s): Miranda

Candy consumption contributes to a low healthy eating score. In spite of its mission to promote agribusiness, the USDA recommends less frequent consumption of sugar-containing foods. Greece, where a health agency formulates the guidelines, goes one step further and recommends nuts and fruits over candy bars and sweets. Interestingly enough, though, a candy bar still contains more antioxidants than many foods people eat. Chocolate (containing cocoa phytonutrients) was recently associated with a relief of chronic fatigue syndrome although it is one of the most calorically dense foods we can eat, so best to stick to cocoa itself. Dates, cocoa, raisins, and date-sweetened pumpkin pie are healthy alternatives to junk food. These healthy sweets are not only tasty, but also contain high levels of antioxidants. Licorice consumption should be limited, especially during pregnancy.

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