Antibiotic-Resistant E. coli and UTIs in Vegetarians vs. Meat-Eaters
Tainted chicken may result in more than a million urinary tract infections in American women every year.
Topic summary contributed by volunteer(s): Wyatt
What people think of as “stomach flu” is typically food poisoning. Hand-washing is critical after handling raw meat and fish, although even washing carefully with bleach and soapy water may not eliminate the threat of Salmonella and Campylobacter from raw chicken. C. diff, the superbug associated with pseudomembraneous colitis and toxic megacolon, was found in 42% of U.S. retail meat in one study. The superbug MRSA also affects the U.S. meat supply (see also here). Nearly half of retail meat for sale in the United States was found contaminated with staph in general. Meat is not only the #1 source of toxin-producing E. Coli, but also contains Neu5Gc, a protein which allows the bacteria to enter human cells more easily. Adding phosphates may increase the amount of pathogenic bacteria in meat. Even placing children in the basket of a shopping cart with raw meat could pose a danger. Poultry is the #1 cause of food poisoning, and ever since the end of the Clinton administration, the incidence of Salmonella poisoning is on the rise. One study found that nine out of ten packaged chicken are contaminated with fecal matter. Viruses from poultry may even be associated with neurological diseases, and bacteria from poultry have been associated with paralysis (see also here). Extra-intestinal E. coli, found in almost half of all retail poultry samples tested, may cause urinary tract infections. Pork tapeworms infecting one’s brain is the leading cause of adult-onset epilepsy. 90% of Yersinia, a foodborne illness from pork, may be antibiotic resistant. The hepatitis E virus is carried in the livers and bloodstreams of pigs and is transmitted through feces and by eating undercooked pork. There are a number of heat-stable toxins in fish that can cause food poisoning (some of which may even be sexually transmitted). We can get cholera from raw oysters; tapeworms, brainworms, and eyeworms, and a rare form of amnesia from sushi. Fecal microbes are not just found on animal products: several brands of bottled water and water sprayed on crops have shown bacterial contamination. Salmonella has been found in alfalfa sprouts, so broccoli sprouts are safer. Sea vegetables are an excellent source of iodine, but eating kelp (and sausages containing thyroid glands) can lead to iodine-induced thyrotoxicosis. Eggs cause an eggborne epidemic of Salmonella, sickening more than 100,000 Americans every year.
For substantiation of any statements of fact from the peer-reviewed medical literature, please see the associated videos below.
Tainted chicken may result in more than a million urinary tract infections in American women every year.
More than 95 percent of human exposure to industrial pollutants like dioxins and PCBs comes from fish, other meat, and dairy.
Miracle drug antibiotics are being squandered to compensate for the overcrowded, stressful, unhygienic conditions on factory farms.
What are the direct health implications of making clean meat—that is, meat without animals?
We need to reform the food system before it’s too late.
Endotoxins can build up on pre-chopped vegetables and undermine some of their benefits.
The risk of contracting the brain parasite toxoplasma from kitty litter vs. meat.
A brain parasite is considered “probably one of the most important risk factors for schizophrenia.”
The effect of toxoplasma brain parasites can cause personality alterations.
Nearly one quarter of Americans have already been infected with the brain parasite toxoplasma.
Comparing contamination rates for antibiotic-resistant E. coli and ExPEC bacteria that cause urinary tract infections
Can UTI-causing ExPEC E. coli bacteria be transferred human-to-human from those who eat chicken?
Poultry is the most common cause of serious food-poisoning outbreaks, followed by fish, then beef. But aren’t people more likely to order their burgers rarer than their chicken sandwiches? The primary location where outbreaks occur is the home, not restaurants.
The FDA appears to have caved to industry pressure and allows intestines potentially infected with mad cow disease prions into food products and lipstick.
Why do those eating plant-based diets appear to suffer less from morning sickness?
What pregnant women eat may affect even the health of their grandchildren.
In this “best-of” compilation of his last four year-in-review presentations, Dr. Greger explains what we can do about the #1 cause of death and disability: our diet.
Chlorophyll in our bloodstream after eating greens may react with wavelengths of sunlight that penetrate through our skin to reactivate the antioxidant Coenzyme Q10 (ubiquinol).
Concerns about smoothies and oxalic acid, nitrate availability, dental erosion, and weight gain are addressed.
Gnathostomiasis from raw fish is a growing problem, manifested by tiny worms that burrow under our skin and, in rare cases, can get into our eyes and brain.
Immunocompromised patients, such as those undergoing chemotherapy, are often denied fresh fruits and vegetables to ostensibly protect them against foodborne illness.
Which foods should we eat and avoid to prevent and treat acid reflux before it can place us at risk for Barrett’s esophagus and cancer?
Organic food consumption appears to reduce exposure to pesticide residues and antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
Why does the United States appear to have the highest level of C. diff contamination of the meat supply?
The effects of the neurotoxins that can contaminate fish like red snapper and grouper can last for decades.
The emergence of pathogens resistant to even our antibiotics of last resort has raised the specter of a “post-antibiotic age” in which drugs to fight infections may be useless. This has focused attention on the mass use of antibiotics in farm animal feed to promote growth and prevent infection in high density production.
Nutritional quality indices show plant-based diets are the healthiest, but do vegetarians and vegans reach the recommended daily intake of protein?
Used in about eight million pounds of meat every year in the United States, the “meat glue” enzyme, transglutaminase, has potential food safety and allergy implications.
Freedom of Information Act documents reveal that the U.S. Department of Agriculture warned the egg industry that saying eggs are nutritious or safe may violate rules against false and misleading advertising.
The meat industry sued the federal government, winning the right to sell food known to be contaminated with food-poisoning bacteria.
Foster Farms chicken may have infected and sickened more than 10,000 people, due to contamination of the meat with fecal material.
Organic produce may present less of a food safety risk, given the potential contamination of pesticides with fecal pathogens.
The level of multidrug antibiotic-resistant bacteria contamination is compared between meat from animals raised conventionally, and certified organic meat from animals raised without being fed antibiotics.
The phosphorus preservatives injected into poultry may not just be an arterial toxin. They also appear to dramatically increase the growth of food poisoning Campylobacter bacteria.
Chronic headaches such as migraines or “tension” headache symptoms may be a sign of pork tapeworms in the brain.
Chronic red pepper powder ingestion may be an effective treatment for IBS and chronic dyspepsia (indigestion), both of which can arise from food poisoning.
Dr. Greger has scoured the world’s scholarly literature on clinical nutrition, and developed this brand-new live presentation on the latest in cutting-edge research on how a healthy diet can affect some of our most common medical conditions.
Handling chicken can lead to the colonization of one’s colon with antibiotic-resistant E. coli that may result in bladder infections in women.
Probiotics may help prevent antibiotic-associated diarrhea, and appear to speed recovery from acute gastroenteritis.
Hundreds of thousands of Americans are Salmonella-poisoned by poultry every year—yet it remains legal to sell meat proven to be contaminated.