Hospitals with 100 Percent Plant-Based Menus
The American Medical Association has passed a resolution encouraging healthy plant-based food options be available in hospitals.
The American Medical Association has passed a resolution encouraging healthy plant-based food options be available in hospitals.
It may not be the number of bacteria growing in your small intestine, but the type of bacteria, which can be corrected with diet.
Even if we could accurately diagnose SIBO, if there is no difference in symptoms between those testing positive and those testing negative, then what’s the point?
Women with breast cancer should include the “liberal culinary use of cruciferous vegetables.”
Palmitic acid, a saturated fat concentrated in meat and dairy, can boost the metastatic potential of cancer cells through the fat receptor CD36.
What are the three sources of the liver fat in fatty liver disease and how do you get rid of it?
Clinical trials on Quorn show that it can improve satiety and help people control cholesterol, blood sugar, and insulin levels.
Learn why sorghum is one of my favorite new grains.
Acne can be triggered in one in ten people who get vitamin B12 injections.
Buchinger modified fasting is put to the test.
Does eating fish or taking fish oil supplements reduce stroke risk?
The first study in history on the incidence of stroke of vegetarians and vegans suggests they may be at higher risk.
Are there immune-boosting foods we should be eating?
Implausible explanations for the obesity epidemic, such as sedentary lifestyles or lack of self-discipline, serve the needs of the manufacturers and marketers more than the public’s health and the interest in truth.
Like the tobacco industry adding extra nicotine, the food industry employs taste engineers to accomplish a similar goal: maximize the irresistibility of their products.
We all like to think we make important life decisions like what to eat consciously and rationally, but if that were the case we wouldn’t be in the midst of an obesity epidemic.
Why are U.S. taxpayers giving billions to support the likes of the sugar and livestock industries?
We have an uncanny ability to pick out the subtle distinctions in calorie density of foods, but only within the natural range.
A whole food plant-based diet can be used to help lock in the benefits of fasting to kickstart the reversal of high blood pressure.
Plastering front-of-package nutrient claims on cereal boxes is an attempt to distract from the incongruity of feeding our children multicolored marshmallows for breakfast.
Healthier plant-based diets compared to unhealthy plant foods and animal foods on diabetes risk.
Public health authorities continue to drop the upper tolerable limit of daily added sugar intake.
Bright light exposure synchronizes the central circadian clock in our brains, whereas proper meal timing helps sync the timing of the clock genes throughout the rest of our body.
The same meal eaten at the wrong time of day can double blood sugars.
Is the link between breakfast skipping and obesity cause-and-effect?
The industry’s response to the charge that breakfast cereals are too sugary.
17 ingredients to an ideal weight-loss diet and the 21 tweaks to accelerate the further loss of excess body fat.
The effects of eating only 5 days a week or a fasting-mimicking diet 5 days a month.
In this live presentation, Dr. Greger offers a sneak peek into his book How Not to Diet.
Though a bane for dieters, a slower metabolism may actually be a good thing.
The sugar industry’s response to evidence implicating sweeteners in the obesity epidemic.
Keto diets put to the test for diabetes reversal.
Might the appetite-suppressing effects of ketosis improve dietary compliance?
What are the effects of gum chewing on hunger and appetite?
If sugar consumption is considered the one and only cause of cavities, how much is too much?
A low-fiber diet is a key driver of microbiome depletion, the disappearance of diversity in our good gut flora.
The amazing story about what lobbying millions can do to shut down efforts to protect children.
The remarkable impact of the structure of food beyond nutritional content or composition.
How the food industry responds to “health food faddists.”
Tracing the source and legitimacy of a disorder purporting to describe an “unhealthy obsession with healthy eating.”