The “volumes” refer to a series of DVDs (now digital only) upon which is based (all proceeds donated to this charity). The DVDs give folks the opportunity to sneak-preview videos months ahead of time, watch them all straight through, and share as gifts, but there’s nothing on the DVDs that won’t eventually end up online for free at You can also buy the DVD streaming online or as a download in full! Volume 39 is the 34th DVD. For more information about Volume 39 click here.

Autism and Casein from Cow’s Milk

Casomorphins—breakdown products of casein, a milk protein, with opiate-like activity—may help explain why autism symptoms...

Best Foods to Avoid for Eczema

Randomized, double-blind, controlled trials suggest that excluding certain foods, such as eggs and chicken, can...

Exclusion Diets for Eczema

Infants of mothers randomized to cut out eggs, milk, and fish were significantly less likely...

The Risks of Oil Pulling

Oil pulling may help with tooth sensitivity, but the risk of inducing lipoid pneumonia outweighs...

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