Topic summary contributed by volunteer(s): Linda

Many recipes may be overhauled to include foods and seasonings that recent research has found to offer health benefits. Turmeric, which may significantly stifle the inflammatory response and protect our DNA, and cocoa powder, which may help ease chronic fatigue symptoms, may be easily added to smoothies or desserts. Ground flax seeds, associated with a number of health benefits, has a useful binding quality similar to eggs that can be helpful if replacing eggs in baking recipes. 

The recipe videos on this page come from The How Not to Die and The How Not to Diet cookbooks, as well as staff members. Check out the recipe page for lots of free recipes. 

For substantiation of any statements of fact from the peer-reviewed medical literature, please see the associated videos below.

Image Credit: Kristina DeMuth. This image has been modified.

Recipes 19 videos

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