Comparing the Benefits and Side Effects of Ozempic (Semaglutide)
Obesity can be so devastating to our health that the downsides of any effective drug would have to be significant to outweigh its weight-loss benefits.
Topic summary contributed by volunteer(s): Mary
Fatigue may be a symptom of a variety of illnesses including celiac disease, multiple sclerosis, PMS, depression, fibromyalgia, diabetes, hypertension, and dehydration.
Consuming a whole-food, plant-based diet, which is naturally high in antioxidants, may help alleviate fatigue. More specifically, black currants and bilberries may relieve visual fatigue associated with staring at a computer screen all day. As for muscle fatigue, daily citrus fruit, berry, and peppermint tea consumption may help. Caffeine will also lessen fatigue.
Neurotoxins found in seafood may cause a chronic fatigue-like syndrome, but chocolate may alleviate symptoms.
For substantiation of any statements of fact from the peer-reviewed medical literature, please see the associated videos below.
Obesity can be so devastating to our health that the downsides of any effective drug would have to be significant to outweigh its weight-loss benefits.
Embraced by naturopaths, functional medicine, and anti‐aging doctors, does so-called adrenal fatigue even exist?
Is yoga better than other types of exercise, better than nothing but similar to other physical activity, or not beneficial even when it’s compared to doing nothing at all?
Anti-inflammatory diets can be effective in alleviating chronic pain syndromes.
The extent of risk from bariatric weight-loss surgery may depend on the skill of the surgeon.
A randomized controlled trial investigates diet and psychological well-being.
Caloric restriction can boost levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), considered to play a critical role in mood disorders.
B12 deficiency is known as “The Great Masquerader.”
What does the clinical course of COVID-19 look like for both those who survive and those who don’t?
The reasons why fasting longer than 24 hours, and particularly three or more days, should only be done under the supervision of a health professional and preferably in a live-in clinic.
What effect does mobile phone radiation have on your parotid gland?
There may be a way to get the benefits of over-the-counter melatonin supplements without the risk.
Over-the-counter melatonin (“anti-gonad hormone”) supplements tend not to contain what they say they do, and the contaminants could be dangerous.
Use cheat sheets to figure out exactly when and how to treat jet lag using light exposure and light avoidance at specific times of the day, based on which direction you’re going and how many time zones you cross.
There have been at least 46 studies involving more than a thousand people to see if those suffering from electrosensitivity are deluding themselves.
From a case report to a randomized controlled trial, aloe is put to the test against cancer.
What did a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind study of a food that costs pennies a day for ragweed allergy sufferers find?
Does the presence of Candida in stool correlate with “Candida-hypersensitivity” symptoms, such as headaches and tiredness? And what happens when people are placed on a high-sugar diet?
Vitamin D supplements are put to the test for fibromyalgia.
Shaving before applying underarm antiperspirants can increase aluminum absorption. Could this explain the greater number of tumors and the disproportionate incidence of breast cancer in the upper outer quadrant of the breast near the armpit?
The green algae, chlorella, may help attenuate the drop in immune function antibodies associated with over-strenuous exercise.
The anti-inflammatory effect of curcumin, the pigment in the spice turmeric, was put to the test to see if it could reduce postoperative pain and fatigue after surgery.
The most comprehensive controlled trial of diet and mood finds that a plant-based nutrition program in a workplace setting across ten corporate sites significantly improves depression, anxiety, and productivity.
The brain shrinkage associated with dehydration may not only play a role in cognitive impairment, but also in levels of energy, alertness, and happiness.
The first-line treatment for hypertension is lifestyle modification, which often includes the DASH diet. What is it and how can it be improved?
Study finds remarkable improvements in exercise performance drinking homemade peppermint water, but there may be side effects.
The effects of the neurotoxins that can contaminate fish like red snapper and grouper can last for decades.
Approximately 1 in 3 Americans have prediabetes, but only about 1 in 10 knows it. What works better at preventing it from turning into full-blown diabetes—drugs or diet and exercise?
After a formal evaluation to rule out celiac disease, those who suspect they might have gluten sensitivity should first try improving their diet and then have other causes excluded before going on a gluten-free diet, since as many as 1 in 3 people who avoid gluten for symptom control end up having a different disease altogether.
Based on studies linking coffee consumption with lower liver cancer risk, coffee is put to the test to see if it can help reduce liver damage in those with hepatitis C.
Certain berries may help relieve visual fatigue associated with staring at a computer screen all day.
Athletes who overtrain may put excessive stress on their bodies, and become more susceptible to respiratory infections. But, the fiber found in nutritional and brewer’s yeast may prevent this immune decline in marathon runners.
A plant-based diet may not only be the safest treatment for multiple sclerosis; it may also be the most effective.
Daily citrus fruit consumption during athletic training may reduce muscle fatigue, as evidenced by lower blood lactate concentrations.
Raisins may be preferable to sports supplement jelly beans and commercial energy gels.
How plant-based does one’s diet need to be in order to effectively treat fibromyalgia?
Plant-based diets may be effective for the treatment of fibromyalgia, a painful condition suffered by millions.
The spice saffron appears to improve both the emotional and physical symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.
The accuracy of medical advice given by staff at natural food stores is compared to that given by staff at community pharmacies, based on the balance of available scientific evidence.
An industry-funded, randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled crossover trial study suggests chocolate may improve symptoms for those suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome—a debilitating condition currently affecting as many as seven million Americans. But how do you get the cacao phytonutrients without the saturated fat and added sugar?