The Recommended Daily Added Sugar Intake
Public health authorities continue to drop the upper tolerable limit of daily added sugar intake.
Public health authorities continue to drop the upper tolerable limit of daily added sugar intake.
Endotoxins can build up on pre-chopped vegetables and undermine some of their benefits.
17 ingredients to an ideal weight-loss diet and the 21 tweaks to accelerate the further loss of excess body fat.
In this live presentation, Dr. Greger offers a sneak peek into his book How Not to Diet.
I was honored to testify before the US government’s Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee. Check out the video to see my speech and a few of my favorite excerpts.
What are the effects of the female sex hormones in milk on men, women, and children?
The effects of ketogenic diets on nutrient sufficiency, gut flora, and heart disease risk.
Might the appetite-suppressing effects of ketosis improve dietary compliance?
What would happen within just two weeks if you swapped the diets of Americans with that of healthier eaters?
A low-fiber diet is a key driver of microbiome depletion, the disappearance of diversity in our good gut flora.
Even though dietary oxalates may have a limited effect on kidney stone risk in most people, there are some predisposing factors that can put anyone at risk.
The risk of contracting the brain parasite toxoplasma from kitty litter vs. meat.
A brain parasite is considered “probably one of the most important risk factors for schizophrenia.”
How the food industry responds to “health food faddists.”
Tracing the source and legitimacy of a disorder purporting to describe an “unhealthy obsession with healthy eating.”
Treating the cause of infant reflux with maternal cow’s milk elimination.
The best and worst foods for bad breath and gum inflammation.
Plant-based diets are put to the test in the treatment of periodontal disease.
The relationship between the consumption of eggs and other cholesterol-rich foods and cancers of the colon, breast, endometrium, pancreas, and throat.
Comparing contamination rates for antibiotic-resistant E. coli and ExPEC bacteria that cause urinary tract infections
Randomized controlled trials put plant-based eating to the test for athletic performance.
Meat-eating athletes are put to the test against veg athletes and even sedentary plant-eaters in feats of endurance.
Comparing the diets of the Roman gladiator “barley men” and army troopers to the modern Spartans of today.
How the meat and dairy industries design studies showing their products have neutral or even beneficial effects on cholesterol and inflammation.
Dairy is compared to other foods for cardiovascular (heart attack and stroke) risk.
What about the recent studies that show cheese has neutral or positive health effects?
What happens when you add massive amounts of carbs to the daily diet of type 2 diabetics in the form of whole grains?
What happens when you put diabetics on a diet composed of largely whole grains, vegetables, and beans?
What would happen if you stopped brushing your teeth but ate healthier?
On a puff-by-puff basis, cannabis smoke deposits four times more tar in the lungs than tobacco, but does this translate into increased cancer risk?
Can UTI-causing ExPEC E. coli bacteria be transferred human-to-human from those who eat chicken?
What does the best available balance of evidence say right now about what to eat and what to avoid to reduce your risk of cancer?
Chlorella is put to the test for liver disease, cholesterol, and detoxifying carcinogens.
There may be a way to get the benefits of over-the-counter melatonin supplements without the risk.
Poultry is the most common cause of serious food-poisoning outbreaks, followed by fish, then beef. But aren’t people more likely to order their burgers rarer than their chicken sandwiches? The primary location where outbreaks occur is the home, not restaurants.
What is the return on investment for educating employees about healthy eating and living?
The most well-published community-based lifestyle intervention in the medical literature is also one of the most effective.
Addyi (flibanserin), the drug marketed for “hypoactive sexual desire disorder,” is ineffective and unsafe. What about dietary approaches for female sexual dysfunction?
Researchers tested 76 samples of different kinds of organic and conventional meats for 33 different carcinogens.
What are the eight preparation methods to reduce exposure to carcinogens in cooked meat?