Dining by Traffic Light: Green Is for Go, Red Is for Stop
In this video, I explain my traffic light system for ranking the relative healthfulness of Green Light vs. Yellow Light vs. Red Light foods.
In this video, I explain my traffic light system for ranking the relative healthfulness of Green Light vs. Yellow Light vs. Red Light foods.
Fact boxes can quantify benefits and harms in a clear and accessible format.
If doctors don’t understand health statistics, how can they possibly properly counsel patients?
“Early” detection is actually really late. Without mammograms, breast cancer may not be caught for an average of 22.8 years. With mammograms, though, breast cancer may only grow and spread for…21.4 years.
After you watch this video, you’ll know more than an estimated 97 percent of doctors about a critical concept called lead-time bias.
What do nine in ten women say they were never told about mammograms, even though they thought they had the right to know?
Nine out of ten women don’t realize that some breast cancers would never have caused any problems or even become known in one’s lifetime. This is an issue ductal carcinoma in situ has brought to the forefront.
Every year, cannabis is estimated to result in two million years of healthy life lost due to disability. How much is that compared to alcohol and tobacco?
The mammogram paradox is that women who are harmed the most are the ones who claim the greatest benefit.
What is the risk-benefit ratio of the cancers picked up by mammograms and the cancers caused by mammograms?
For every life saved by mammography, as many as two to ten women are overdiagnosed and unnecessarily turned into breast cancer patients—and let’s not overlook all of the attendant harms of chemo, radiation, or surgery without the benefits.
Various health organizations offer clashing mammogram recommendations that range from annual mammograms starting at age 40 to eliminating routine mammograms altogether. Who should you trust?
How can the beta glucan fiber in brewer’s, baker’s, and nutritional yeast improve wound healing and, potentially, anti-cancer immunity?
Dr. Greger whips up some matcha ice cream inspired by a recipe in his How Not to Die Cookbook.
In certain medical conditions, probiotic supplements may actually make things worse.
What are the risks and benefits of getting a comprehensive annual physical exam and routine blood testing?
What are the risks and benefits of getting an annual check-up from your doctor?
How can we properly cook beans?
A book purported to expose “hidden dangers” in healthy foods doesn’t even pass the whiff test.
Are there unique benefits to brown rice that would justify keeping it in our diet despite the arsenic content?
Even at low-level exposure, arsenic is not just a class I carcinogen, but may also impair our immune function and increase our risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
What are the effects of açai berries, cooked and raw blueberries, grapes, cocoa, green tea, and freshly squeezed orange juice on artery function?
One way a diet rich in animal-sourced foods like meat, eggs, and cheese may contribute to heart disease, stroke, kidney failure, and death is through the production of toxin called TMAO.
Soy is put to the test for the treatment of prostate cancer.
Since white blood cell count is such a strong predictor of lifespan, what should we aim for and how do we get it there?
Since white blood cell count is a sign of systemic inflammation, it’s no surprise that those with lower white blood cell counts live longer.
After the trans fat oil ban, the only remaining major sources of trans fat will be from meat and dairy.
The food industry fought tooth and nail to retain partially hydrogenated oils, even though they were killing 50,000 Americans a year.
What happens to our gut flora when we switch from a more animal-based diet to a more plant-based diet?
Much of the lead found in adults today was deposited into our skeletons decades ago and is just now leaching out from our bones into our blood. What are the health consequences of having lead levels down around the American average?
The reason egg consumption is associated with elevated cancer risk may be the TMAO, considered the “smoking gun” of microbiome-disease interactions.
Physical fitness authorities seem to have fallen into the same trap as the nutrition authorities, recommending what they think may be achievable, rather than simply informing us what the science says and letting us make up our own mind.
It may be more expedient politically to promote an increase in consumption of healthy items rather than a decrease in consumption of unhealthy items, but it may be far less effective.
There is a food that offers the best of both worlds—significantly improving our ability to detox carcinogens like diesel fumes and decreasing inflammation in our airways—all while improving our respiratory defenses against infections.
Selecting foods to improve pelvic blood flow and decrease inflammation both immediately after a meal and for the long term may improve sexual functioning in men and women.
When done right, love may protect your lover’s life.
What we eat determines what kind of bacteria we foster the growth of in our gut, which can increase or decrease our risk of some of our leading killer diseases.
Within 40 minutes of green tea consumption, we get a boost in antioxidant power in our bloodstream, and, within 60 minutes, an upregulation of DNA repair.
What role do soy phytoestrogens play in the prevention and treatment of breast cancer?
An extraordinary thing happened when those at high risk for heart disease were randomized to give blood—and it had nothing to do with their heart.