Are there unique benefits to brown rice that would justify keeping it in our diet despite the arsenic content?
Do the Pros of Brown Rice Outweigh the Cons of Arsenic?
Below is an approximation of this video’s audio content. To see any graphs, charts, graphics, images, and quotes to which Dr. Greger may be referring, watch the above video.
For all these years, warnings about the arsenic levels in U.S. rice potentially increasing cancer risk, but it had never been put to the test, until this study, out of Harvard. And, “[l]ong-term consumption of total rice, white rice or brown rice, was not associated with risk of developing cancer in US men and women.” This was heralded as good news: no increased cancer risk found even among those eating five or more servings of rice a week. But, wait a second. Brown rice is a whole grain, a whole plant food. Shouldn’t brown rice be protective, and not just neutral?
If you look at whole grains in general, there is “a significant inverse [or protective] association between…whole grain intake” in general and the risk of dying from cancer. Following my Daily Dozen recommendation of three servings of whole grains a day was associated with a 10% lower risk of dying from cancer, “a 25% lower risk” of dying from heart attacks or strokes, and “a 17% lower risk” of dying prematurely across the board. Whereas, rice consumption in general was “not…associated with mortality”—not found to be protective against heart disease or stroke. And so, maybe this lack of protection means that the arsenic in rice is increasing disease risk—so much so that it’s cancelling out some of the benefits of whole grain brown rice.
Consumer Reports suggested moderating one’s intake of even brown rice, but given the arsenic problem, is there any reason we should go out of our way to retain rice in our diet? With all the other whole grain options out there, should we move all rice to here? Or, are there some unique sort of benefits you can get from rice that would justify continuing to eat it, even though it has ten times more arsenic than other grains? Well, there was this study that showed that a brown rice-based vegan diet beat out the conventional Diabetes Association diet, “even after adjusting for” the extra belly fat they lost. But, that may have been due to the plant-based nature of their diet, rather than just how brown rice-based it was.
This study found a profound improvement in insulin levels after just five days eating brown rice, compared to white. But was that just because the white made people worse? No. The brown rice improved things on its own—but this was in a South Indian population eating a lot of white rice in the first place. So, this may have indeed been at least, in part, a substitution effect. This study showed that instructing people to eat about a cup of brown rice a day “could significantly reduce weight,” and waist, and blood pressure, and inflammation—and not just because it was compared to white. But, a larger, longer study failed to see much more than a blood pressure benefit, which was almost as impressive in the white rice group. So, overall, not too much to write home about. But then, this study rolled around.
This is probably the single most important study on the pro-rice side, showing a significant improvement in artery function after eight weeks of eating about a cup of brown rice every day, but not white. And, sometimes, even acutely. If you give someone a meal with saturated fat, you can get a drop in artery function within an hour of consumption, if you have some obesity-related metabolic derangements. This was along with white rice. But if you give brown, artery function appears protected against the adverse effects of the meal. Okay, so, brown rice does show benefits in interventional studies. But the question was, does it show unique benefits? What about oatmeal instead, or whole wheat?
Well, first, they needed to design an artery-crippling meal, high in saturated fat. They went with a Haagen Daaz, coconut cream, and egg milkshake—with or without a bowl of oatmeal, or, instead of rolled oats, “whole rolled wheat.” What do you think happened? Do you think those other whole grains blocked the artery-damaging effects, like the brown rice did? The whole oats worked, but the whole wheat did not. So, one could argue that brown rice may have an edge over whole wheat. Do oats also have that beneficial long-term effect that brown rice did? The benefit was of a similar magnitude, but did not reach statistical significance.
So, bottom line, until we know more, my current thinking on the matter is: if you really like rice, you can moderate your risk by cutting down, choosing lower-arsenic varieties, and cooking it in a way to lower exposure even further. But, if you like other whole grains just as much—like if you simply don’t care either way if you have rice vs. quinoa, or whatever, I’d choose the lower-arsenic option.
Please consider volunteering to help out on the site.
- Benisi-Kohansal S, Saneei P, Salehi-Marzijarani M, Larijani B, Esmaillzadeh A. Whole-Grain Intake and Mortality from All Causes, Cardiovascular Disease, and Cancer: A Systematic Review and Dose-Response Meta-Analysis of Prospective Cohort Studies. Adv Nutr. 2016 Nov 15;7(6):1052-1065.
- Lee YM, Kim SA, Lee IK, Kim JG, Park KG, Jeong JY, Jeon JH, Shin JY, Lee DH. Effect of a Brown Rice Based Vegan Diet and Conventional Diabetic Diet on Glycemic Control of Patients with Type 2 Diabetes: A 12-Week Randomized Clinical Trial. PLoS One. 2016 Jun 2;11(6):e0155918.
- Shimabukuro M, Higa M, Kinjo R, Yamakawa K, Tanaka H, Kozuka C, Yabiku K, Taira S, Sata M, Masuzaki H. Effects of the brown rice diet on visceral obesity and endothelial function: the BRAVO study. Br J Nutr. 2014 Jan 28;111(2):310-20.
- Zhang R, Zhang X, Wu K, Wu H, Sun Q, Hu FB, Han J, Willett WC, Giovannucci EL. Rice consumption and cancer incidence in US men and women. Int J Cancer. 2016 Feb 1;138(3):555-64.
- Muraki I, Wu H, Imamura F, Laden F, Rimm EB, Hu FB, Willett WC, Sun Q. Rice consumption and risk of cardiovascular disease: results from a pooled analysis of 3 U.S. cohorts. Am J Clin Nutr. 2015 Jan;101(1):164-72.
- Saneei P, Larijani B, Esmaillzadeh A. Rice consumption, incidence of chronic diseases and risk of mortality: meta-analysis of cohort studies. Public Health Nutr. 2017 Feb;20(2):233-244.
- Kazemzadeh M, Safavi SM, Nematollahi S, Nourieh Z. Effect of Brown Rice Consumption on Inflammatory Marker and Cardiovascular Risk Factors among Overweight and Obese Non-menopausal Female Adults. Int J Prev Med. 2014 Apr;5(4):478-88.
- Mohan V, Spiegelman D, Sudha V, Gayathri R, Hong B, Praseena K, Anjana RM, Wedick NM, Arumugam K, Malik V, Ramachandran S, Bai MR, Henry JK, Hu FB, Willett W, Krishnaswamy K. Effect of brown rice, white rice, and brown rice with legumes on blood glucose and insulin responses in overweight Asian Indians: a randomized controlled trial. Diabetes Technol Ther. 2014 May;16(5):317-25.
- Zhang G, Pan A, Zong G, Yu Z, Wu H, Chen X, Tang L, Feng Y, Zhou H, Chen X, Li H, Hong B, Malik VS, Willett WC, Spiegelman D, Hu FB, Lin X. Substituting white rice with brown rice for 16 weeks does not substantially affect metabolic risk factors in middle-aged Chinese men and women with diabetes or a high risk for diabetes. J Nutr. 2011 Sep;141(9):1685-90.
- Katz DL, Nawaz H, Boukhalil J, Giannamore V, Chan W, Ahmadi R, Sarrel PM. Acute effects of oats and vitamin E on endothelial responses to ingested fat. Am J Prev Med. 2001 Feb;20(2):124-9.
- Katz DL, Evans MA, Chan W, Nawaz H, Comerford BP, Hoxley ML, Njike VY, Sarrel PM. Oats, antioxidants and endothelial function in overweight, dyslipidemic adults. J Am Coll Nutr. 2004 Oct;23(5):397-403.
Icons created by Arthur Shlain, Artem Kovyazin, H Alberto Gongora, and Cédric Villain from The Noun Project.
Image credit: Fir0002 via Wikimedia Commons. Image has been modified.
Motion graphics by Avocado Video.
- arsenic
- artery function
- blood pressure
- cancer
- carcinogens
- cardiovascular disease
- Consumers Union
- diabetes
- grains
- heart disease
- heavy metals
- high blood pressure
- hypertension
- India
- inflammation
- mortality
- oatmeal
- oats
- obesity
- Plant-Based Diets
- prediabetes
- quinoa
- rice
- safety limits
- saturated fat
- stroke
- vegans
- vegetarians
- weight loss
- wheat
Below is an approximation of this video’s audio content. To see any graphs, charts, graphics, images, and quotes to which Dr. Greger may be referring, watch the above video.
For all these years, warnings about the arsenic levels in U.S. rice potentially increasing cancer risk, but it had never been put to the test, until this study, out of Harvard. And, “[l]ong-term consumption of total rice, white rice or brown rice, was not associated with risk of developing cancer in US men and women.” This was heralded as good news: no increased cancer risk found even among those eating five or more servings of rice a week. But, wait a second. Brown rice is a whole grain, a whole plant food. Shouldn’t brown rice be protective, and not just neutral?
If you look at whole grains in general, there is “a significant inverse [or protective] association between…whole grain intake” in general and the risk of dying from cancer. Following my Daily Dozen recommendation of three servings of whole grains a day was associated with a 10% lower risk of dying from cancer, “a 25% lower risk” of dying from heart attacks or strokes, and “a 17% lower risk” of dying prematurely across the board. Whereas, rice consumption in general was “not…associated with mortality”—not found to be protective against heart disease or stroke. And so, maybe this lack of protection means that the arsenic in rice is increasing disease risk—so much so that it’s cancelling out some of the benefits of whole grain brown rice.
Consumer Reports suggested moderating one’s intake of even brown rice, but given the arsenic problem, is there any reason we should go out of our way to retain rice in our diet? With all the other whole grain options out there, should we move all rice to here? Or, are there some unique sort of benefits you can get from rice that would justify continuing to eat it, even though it has ten times more arsenic than other grains? Well, there was this study that showed that a brown rice-based vegan diet beat out the conventional Diabetes Association diet, “even after adjusting for” the extra belly fat they lost. But, that may have been due to the plant-based nature of their diet, rather than just how brown rice-based it was.
This study found a profound improvement in insulin levels after just five days eating brown rice, compared to white. But was that just because the white made people worse? No. The brown rice improved things on its own—but this was in a South Indian population eating a lot of white rice in the first place. So, this may have indeed been at least, in part, a substitution effect. This study showed that instructing people to eat about a cup of brown rice a day “could significantly reduce weight,” and waist, and blood pressure, and inflammation—and not just because it was compared to white. But, a larger, longer study failed to see much more than a blood pressure benefit, which was almost as impressive in the white rice group. So, overall, not too much to write home about. But then, this study rolled around.
This is probably the single most important study on the pro-rice side, showing a significant improvement in artery function after eight weeks of eating about a cup of brown rice every day, but not white. And, sometimes, even acutely. If you give someone a meal with saturated fat, you can get a drop in artery function within an hour of consumption, if you have some obesity-related metabolic derangements. This was along with white rice. But if you give brown, artery function appears protected against the adverse effects of the meal. Okay, so, brown rice does show benefits in interventional studies. But the question was, does it show unique benefits? What about oatmeal instead, or whole wheat?
Well, first, they needed to design an artery-crippling meal, high in saturated fat. They went with a Haagen Daaz, coconut cream, and egg milkshake—with or without a bowl of oatmeal, or, instead of rolled oats, “whole rolled wheat.” What do you think happened? Do you think those other whole grains blocked the artery-damaging effects, like the brown rice did? The whole oats worked, but the whole wheat did not. So, one could argue that brown rice may have an edge over whole wheat. Do oats also have that beneficial long-term effect that brown rice did? The benefit was of a similar magnitude, but did not reach statistical significance.
So, bottom line, until we know more, my current thinking on the matter is: if you really like rice, you can moderate your risk by cutting down, choosing lower-arsenic varieties, and cooking it in a way to lower exposure even further. But, if you like other whole grains just as much—like if you simply don’t care either way if you have rice vs. quinoa, or whatever, I’d choose the lower-arsenic option.
Please consider volunteering to help out on the site.
- Benisi-Kohansal S, Saneei P, Salehi-Marzijarani M, Larijani B, Esmaillzadeh A. Whole-Grain Intake and Mortality from All Causes, Cardiovascular Disease, and Cancer: A Systematic Review and Dose-Response Meta-Analysis of Prospective Cohort Studies. Adv Nutr. 2016 Nov 15;7(6):1052-1065.
- Lee YM, Kim SA, Lee IK, Kim JG, Park KG, Jeong JY, Jeon JH, Shin JY, Lee DH. Effect of a Brown Rice Based Vegan Diet and Conventional Diabetic Diet on Glycemic Control of Patients with Type 2 Diabetes: A 12-Week Randomized Clinical Trial. PLoS One. 2016 Jun 2;11(6):e0155918.
- Shimabukuro M, Higa M, Kinjo R, Yamakawa K, Tanaka H, Kozuka C, Yabiku K, Taira S, Sata M, Masuzaki H. Effects of the brown rice diet on visceral obesity and endothelial function: the BRAVO study. Br J Nutr. 2014 Jan 28;111(2):310-20.
- Zhang R, Zhang X, Wu K, Wu H, Sun Q, Hu FB, Han J, Willett WC, Giovannucci EL. Rice consumption and cancer incidence in US men and women. Int J Cancer. 2016 Feb 1;138(3):555-64.
- Muraki I, Wu H, Imamura F, Laden F, Rimm EB, Hu FB, Willett WC, Sun Q. Rice consumption and risk of cardiovascular disease: results from a pooled analysis of 3 U.S. cohorts. Am J Clin Nutr. 2015 Jan;101(1):164-72.
- Saneei P, Larijani B, Esmaillzadeh A. Rice consumption, incidence of chronic diseases and risk of mortality: meta-analysis of cohort studies. Public Health Nutr. 2017 Feb;20(2):233-244.
- Kazemzadeh M, Safavi SM, Nematollahi S, Nourieh Z. Effect of Brown Rice Consumption on Inflammatory Marker and Cardiovascular Risk Factors among Overweight and Obese Non-menopausal Female Adults. Int J Prev Med. 2014 Apr;5(4):478-88.
- Mohan V, Spiegelman D, Sudha V, Gayathri R, Hong B, Praseena K, Anjana RM, Wedick NM, Arumugam K, Malik V, Ramachandran S, Bai MR, Henry JK, Hu FB, Willett W, Krishnaswamy K. Effect of brown rice, white rice, and brown rice with legumes on blood glucose and insulin responses in overweight Asian Indians: a randomized controlled trial. Diabetes Technol Ther. 2014 May;16(5):317-25.
- Zhang G, Pan A, Zong G, Yu Z, Wu H, Chen X, Tang L, Feng Y, Zhou H, Chen X, Li H, Hong B, Malik VS, Willett WC, Spiegelman D, Hu FB, Lin X. Substituting white rice with brown rice for 16 weeks does not substantially affect metabolic risk factors in middle-aged Chinese men and women with diabetes or a high risk for diabetes. J Nutr. 2011 Sep;141(9):1685-90.
- Katz DL, Nawaz H, Boukhalil J, Giannamore V, Chan W, Ahmadi R, Sarrel PM. Acute effects of oats and vitamin E on endothelial responses to ingested fat. Am J Prev Med. 2001 Feb;20(2):124-9.
- Katz DL, Evans MA, Chan W, Nawaz H, Comerford BP, Hoxley ML, Njike VY, Sarrel PM. Oats, antioxidants and endothelial function in overweight, dyslipidemic adults. J Am Coll Nutr. 2004 Oct;23(5):397-403.
Icons created by Arthur Shlain, Artem Kovyazin, H Alberto Gongora, and Cédric Villain from The Noun Project.
Image credit: Fir0002 via Wikimedia Commons. Image has been modified.
Motion graphics by Avocado Video.
- arsenic
- artery function
- blood pressure
- cancer
- carcinogens
- cardiovascular disease
- Consumers Union
- diabetes
- grains
- heart disease
- heavy metals
- high blood pressure
- hypertension
- India
- inflammation
- mortality
- oatmeal
- oats
- obesity
- Plant-Based Diets
- prediabetes
- quinoa
- rice
- safety limits
- saturated fat
- stroke
- vegans
- vegetarians
- weight loss
- wheat
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Do the Pros of Brown Rice Outweigh the Cons of Arsenic?
LicenseCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)
Content URLDoctor's Note
With this conclusion to my 13-video series on arsenic in the food supply, I thought we were done with the topic, but I’ve produced another video on arsenic: Benefits of Turmeric for Arsenic Exposure. Make sure you’re subscribed so you don’t miss any other updates.
Here are the 13 videos in the original series, in case you missed any or want to go back and review:
- Where Does the Arsenic in Chicken Come From?
- Where Does the Arsenic in Rice, Mushrooms, and Wine Come From?
- The Effects of Too Much Arsenic in the Diet
- Cancer Risk from Arsenic in Rice and Seaweed
- Which Rice Has Less Arsenic: Black, Brown, Red, White, or Wild?
- Which Brands and Sources of Rice Have the Least Arsenic?
- How to Cook Rice to Lower Arsenic Levels
- Arsenic in Infant Rice Cereal
- Arsenic in Rice Milk, Rice Krispies, and Brown Rice Syrup
- How Risky Is the Arsenic in Rice?
- How Much Arsenic in Rice Is Too Much?
- Is White Rice a Yellow-Light or Red-Light Food?
- Do the Pros of Brown Rice Outweigh the Cons of Arsenic?
Next, we return to our regularly scheduled, non-arsenic programming with Saffron for Erectile Dysfunction.
If you haven’t yet, you can subscribe to my videos for free by clicking here. Read our important information about translations here.