Best Foods for Autism
The sulforaphane found in five cents’ worth of broccoli sprouts has been shown to benefit autism in a way no drug ever has in randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study.
The sulforaphane found in five cents’ worth of broccoli sprouts has been shown to benefit autism in a way no drug ever has in randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study.
Given the lead contamination found in candies containing chili imported from Mexico, 25 hot sauces were tested for heavy metals.
What are some strategies to reduce arsenic exposure from rice?
I recommend people switch away from using rice milk.
When it comes to rice and rice-based products, pediatric nutrition authorities have recommended that arsenic intake should be as low as possible.
Even at low-level exposure, arsenic is not just a class I carcinogen, but may also impair our immune function and increase our risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
Since white blood cell count is such a strong predictor of lifespan, what should we aim for and how do we get it there?
Daily supplementation with 1,000 mg of vitamin C was put to the test to see if it could improve male fertility and lower lead levels.
Vitamin C is pitted head-to-head against antibiotics for bacterial vaginal infections.
Do BPA-free plastics, such as Tritan, have human hormone-disrupting effects? And what about BPS and BPF?
Eating seaweed salad may boost the efficacy of vaccinations and help treat cold sores, herpes, Epstein-Barr virus, and shingles.
What happened to women who were randomized to eat more meat and dairy during pregnancy? What effect does animal protein consumption have on cortisol and testosterone levels in men?
Why do those eating plant-based diets appear to suffer less from morning sickness?
What pregnant women eat may affect even the health of their grandchildren.
What is the evidence that all pregnant women should follow the American Thyroid Association’s recommendation to take a daily iodine supplement?
Single meals can affect testosterone and cortisol (stress hormone) levels. Some foods eaten regularly during pregnancy may even reprogram children’s responses to stress later in life.
Anabolic growth-promoting drugs in meat production are by far the most potent hormones found in the food supply.
Can cannabis and ginger be considered safe and effective treatments for hyperemesis gravidarum (severe morning sickness during pregnancy)?
I recommend all pregnant and breastfeeding women follow the consensus guidelines to get about 200mg of preformed DHA from a pollutant-free source.
Does maternal supplementation with the long-chain omega-3 fatty acid DHA improve psychomotor, mental, visual, or physical development of infants?
What are the pros and cons of fennel fruits as a cheap, easy-to-find, light-weight, nonperishable source of nitrates?
Vegetables tested head-to-head to see which boosts immune function best.
Cow’s milk proteins can pass through breast milk—which may explain why maternal dairy-free diets are so effective in treating infant colic.
What happens when the most antioxidant-packed dried fruit available is put to the test in a double-blind randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial for moderate to severe acne?
Fatty streak formation occurs in human fetal arteries and is linked to the pregnant mother’s cholesterol level.
How much green, white, black, and oolong tea can we consume before the benefits of tea start to be countered by the risks of lead contamination for children, pregnant women, and adults in general?
For the same reason that anti-inflammatory drugs like aspirin and ibuprofen are advised against during late pregnancy, anti-inflammatory foods may increase the risk of premature closure of the ductus arteriosus.
Potential culprits include the trans fat in meat, the saturated fat, cholesterol, heme iron, advanced glycation end products (glycotoxins), animal protein (especially leucine), zoonotic viruses, and industrial pollutants that accumulate up the food chain.
Dr. Greger has scoured the world’s scholarly literature on clinical nutrition and developed this new presentation based on the latest in cutting edge research exploring the role diet may play in preventing, arresting, and even reversing some of our most feared causes of death and disability.
PBDE fire-retardant chemicals in the food supply may contribute to attention and cognitive deficits in children.
Endocrine-disrupting industrial toxins in the aquatic food chain may affect genital development of boys and sexual function in men.
Organic food consumption appears to reduce exposure to pesticide residues and antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
The hormones naturally found in foods of animal origin may help explain why women who eat conventional diets are five times more likely to give birth to twins than those eating plant-based diets.
Higher levels of pesticides on GMO soy is a concern since Monsanto’s Roundup has been shown to have adverse effects on human placental tissue.
So much of the information about genetically modified crops is wrong—on both sides of the debate. What does the best available evidence have to say about the human health implications of Bt corn?
The impressive manganese content of hibiscus tea may be the limiting factor for safe daily levels of consumption.
Consumption of even small amounts of garlic or raisins are associated with significantly lower risk of pregnant women going into premature labor or having their water break too soon.
By testing chicken feathers for chemical residues, researchers aim to find out what the poultry industry is feeding their birds. The presence of banned drugs and a broad range of pharmaceuticals raises concern, recalling the time in which DES was fed to chickens for years after it was shown to cause human vagina cancer.
Farmed Atlantic salmon, the kind of salmon most commonly found in restaurants and supermarkets, may be the single largest source of toxic dietary pollutants.
The spice turmeric appears to be able to switch back on the self-destruct mechanism within cancer cells.