The Best Way to Boost NAD+: Supplements vs. Diet (webinar recording)
The pros and cons of all the NAD+ supplements and what are the ways to boost NAD+ naturally with diet and lifestyle?
The pros and cons of all the NAD+ supplements and what are the ways to boost NAD+ naturally with diet and lifestyle?
How do you unlock the mysteries of aging?
Most food crops are contaminated with fungal mycotoxins, but some foods are worse than others.
Vitamin C, turmeric, beta-glucan fiber, and vitamin B12 are put to the test for recurring canker sores (aphthous ulcers).
A half-teaspoon a day of brewer’s yeast is put to the test in a randomized, double-blind, controlled clinical trial.
What did a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind study of a food that costs pennies a day for ragweed allergy sufferers find?
How can the beta glucan fiber in brewer’s, baker’s, and nutritional yeast improve wound healing and, potentially, anti-cancer immunity?
How might we improve immune function in children and adults under physical or psychological stress?
The amount of beta-glucan fiber in just a dusting of nutritional yeast a day is put to the test in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial for the prevention of common childhood illnesses.
What is the role of dairy- and yeast-exclusion diets on arresting and reversing an inflammatory autoimmune disease?
Those with certain autoimmune diseases such as Crohn’s disease should probably not eat nutritional yeast.
Does the presence of Candida in stool correlate with “Candida-hypersensitivity” symptoms, such as headaches and tiredness? And what happens when people are placed on a high-sugar diet?
Is the exaggerated reaction of many Crohn’s disease patients to baker’s, brewer’s, and nutritional yeast just a consequence of their inflamed leaky gut, or might the yeast be a contributing cause?
What do 56 randomized clinical trials involving nearly 100,000 people between the ages of 18 and 107 show vitamin D can do to our lifespan?
Beta glucan fiber in nutritional yeast may improve immune function, but there is a concern about lead contamination in some brands.
Athletes who overtrain may put excessive stress on their bodies, and become more susceptible to respiratory infections. But, the fiber found in nutritional and brewer’s yeast may prevent this immune decline in marathon runners.
Vitamin D3—sourced from sunlight exposure, animal, and plant sources—may be preferable to vitamin D2 sourced from fungi.
Major fish oil manufacturers and drug stores are being sued for failing to disclose the PCB pollutants in fish oil supplements.