What do nine in ten women say they were never told about mammograms, even though they thought they had the right to know?
Women Deserve to Know the Truth About Mammograms
Below is an approximation of this video’s audio content. To see any graphs, charts, graphics, images, and quotes to which Dr. Greger may be referring, watch the above video.
Fueled by “good intentions” (and “economic conflicts of interest” with the multibillion dollar mammogram industry), “many women [are] being given diagnoses of breast cancer” unnecessarily, “producing unwarranted fear and stress and exposing them to treatment” they don’t need. This is the overdiagnosis problem I’ve been talking about: “the detection of pseudodisease”—mammogram-detected “abnormalities” that look like cancer under the microscope. And so, you’re diagnosed with cancer, you’re treated for cancer, but it was just pseudodisease, and would “never progress to [actually] cause symptoms. The “human costs” include “mastectomies and [even] deaths. The chance that a woman will benefit from [mammograms may be] small—[in fact, may be] ten times smaller than the risk that she may experience serious harm in terms of [this] overdiagnosis.
“How many would elect to [go in for a mammogram] if they knew that for every one woman who is notionally saved by early detection, anywhere from 2 to 10 otherwise healthy women are being turned into breast cancer patients [unnecessarily]?”
Well, first of all: “Are patients [even told] about [the possibility of] overdiagnosis by their physicians…?” I mean, it is, after all, “now recognized as the most serious downside of [mammogram] screening.” Well, hundreds were asked, and less than one out of 10 said that they had been informed about it. And, when they were told about it, a little more than half said they wouldn’t agree to screening if it resulted “in more than 1 overtreated person per 1 life saved.” “Wow. That implies that millions of Americans might not choose to be screened if they knew the whole story; however, [90%] do not.”
Most “[w]omen are aware [about] false-positives…and [tend] to view them as an acceptable consequence of [mammograms].” But, “[i]n contrast, most women [were] unaware that screening [could] detect cancers that may never progress.” And, what they don’t know could potentially even kill them.
So, when considering the pros and cons of mammograms, it would be good to consider “total mortality.” Can it actually help you live longer, on average? And, mammograms have not been shown to do that, “and it is therefore misleading to claim that ‘screening saves lives.'”
Theoretically, “[r]outine [mammograms should] increase…a [50-year-old] nonsmoking woman’s overall survival chance from around 96.3%…to 97.1% over 10 years. [But] [t]hese statistics disregard deaths from overdiagnosis.” Deaths from the unnecessary radiation and chemo, “and thus increased mortality from heart disease and other [cancers] that may entirely outweigh the benefit in terms of reduced breast cancer mortality.”
You can’t irradiate the breast without exposing the rest of your chest to radiation—your heart, your lungs—explaining why breast cancer survivors can end up with “significant and marked impairment in cardiopulmonary [heart-lung] function.” “Radiation [treatments] increase…deaths from heart disease by more than 25% and from lung cancer by nearly 80%.” Now, we would accept that risk if we were beating back some deadly cancer, but “[t]he main effect of screening is to produce patients with breast cancer” for which treatment offers zero benefit—since they “would have remained free of breast disease for the rest of their lives” without it, since “[c]ompelling data [suggest] that most overdiagnosed tumors would have regressed spontaneously without treatment.”
“Still, [women] who have had a cancer detected and then removed are likely to feel their life was saved.” But perhaps 10 times more likely their lives were actually seriously harmed, not saved. Ten times more likely you were told you had a cancer that could kill you, but you really didn’t, corralled into the operating room for surgery you didn’t need. Every doctor’s appointment, every sleepless night, all completely unnecessary—yet, you come out as mammograms’ greatest advocate; it saved your life. That’s the crazy thing about mammograms, about PSA testing for prostate cancer; the people who are the most harmed are the ones who claim the greatest benefit.
So, overdiagnosis creates this vicious “cycle…for more overdiagnosis,” because more and more people know someone—”a friend, a family member,…a celebrity—who ‘owes their life’ to early cancer detection.” So, the worse the test is, the more overdiagnosis it causes, “the more popular [it] becomes. The more mammograms harm women, the better they seem to work. The more breasts that are surgically removed completely unnecessarily, the more women swear by it.
Yeah, it’s maybe billions of dollars wasted for nothing that could be spent on doing more for women’s health. But, it’s the human costs; the “[h]arms from breast cancer-screening [may] outweigh the benefits if death caused by treatment is included.” Based on some best- and worst-case scenario estimates, “[f]or every 10 000 women invited for 10 years of [mammogram] screening, 3 to 4 breast cancer deaths [may be] avoided at [the] cost of” around 2 to 9 deaths “from the long-term toxicity of [unnecessary radiation treatments].” Yet, only one in 10 women undergoing mammography said they were ever told about overdiagnosis, even though nine out of 10 thought they had the right to know.
Now, overdiagnosis is not easy to talk about. It’s a sensitive issue, but “[j]ust because communicating with patients [can be] difficult” doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t do it. Informed women deserve no less;” we have an ethical responsibility to let them know.
Please consider volunteering to help out on the site.
- Jørgensen KJ, Gøtzsche PC. Breast Cancer Screening: Benefit or Harm?. JAMA. 2016;315(13):1402.
- Gøtzsche PC. Time to stop mammography screening?. CMAJ. 2011;183(17):1957-8.
- Ong MS, Mandl KD. National expenditure for false-positive mammograms and breast cancer overdiagnoses estimated at $4 billion a year. Health Aff (Millwood). 2015;34(4):576-83.
- Houssami N. Overdiagnosis of breast cancer in population screening: does it make breast screening worthless?. Cancer Biol Med. 2017;14(1):1-8.
- Elmore JG, Fletcher SW. Overdiagnosis in breast cancer screening: time to tackle an underappreciated harm. Ann Intern Med. 2012;156(7):536-7.
- Welch HG. Informed choice in cancer screening. JAMA Intern Med. 2013;173(22):2088.
- Schwartz LM, Woloshin S, Sox HC, Fischhoff B, Welch HG. US women's attitudes to false-positive mammography results and detection of ductal carcinoma in situ: cross-sectional survey. West J Med. 2000;173(5):307-12.
- Wegwarth O, Gigerenzer G. Less is more: Overdiagnosis and overtreatment: evaluation of what physicians tell their patients about screening harms. JAMA Intern Med. 2013;173(22):2086-7.
- Sohn E. Screening. Don’t look now: Mammogram screenings are an established part of women’s health care, but are they more trouble than they are worth? Nature 527, S118–S119 (19 November 2015).
- Scudellari M. The science myths that will not die. Nature. 2015;528(7582):322-5.
- Welch HG, Black WC. Overdiagnosis in cancer. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2010;102(9):605-13.
- Luqmani YA. Breast screening: an obsessive compulsive disorder. Cancer Causes Control. 2014;25(10):1423-6.
- Jones LW, Courneya KS, Mackey JR, et al. Cardiopulmonary function and age-related decline across the breast cancer survivorship continuum. J Clin Oncol. 2012;30(20):2530-7.
- Baum M. Harms from breast cancer screening outweigh benefits if death caused by treatment is included. BMJ. 2013;346:f385.
- Keen JD, Jørgensen KJ. Four Principles to Consider Before Advising Women on Screening Mammography. J Womens Health (Larchmt). 2015;24(11):867-74.
- Gøtzsche PC, Jørgensen KJ. Screening for breast cancer with mammography. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2013;(6):CD001877.
- Moynihan R, Nickel B, Hersch J, et al. Public Opinions about Overdiagnosis: A National Community Survey. PLoS ONE. 2015;10(5):e0125165.
Image credit: klbz via pixabay. Image has been modified.
Motion graphics by Avocado Video
Below is an approximation of this video’s audio content. To see any graphs, charts, graphics, images, and quotes to which Dr. Greger may be referring, watch the above video.
Fueled by “good intentions” (and “economic conflicts of interest” with the multibillion dollar mammogram industry), “many women [are] being given diagnoses of breast cancer” unnecessarily, “producing unwarranted fear and stress and exposing them to treatment” they don’t need. This is the overdiagnosis problem I’ve been talking about: “the detection of pseudodisease”—mammogram-detected “abnormalities” that look like cancer under the microscope. And so, you’re diagnosed with cancer, you’re treated for cancer, but it was just pseudodisease, and would “never progress to [actually] cause symptoms. The “human costs” include “mastectomies and [even] deaths. The chance that a woman will benefit from [mammograms may be] small—[in fact, may be] ten times smaller than the risk that she may experience serious harm in terms of [this] overdiagnosis.
“How many would elect to [go in for a mammogram] if they knew that for every one woman who is notionally saved by early detection, anywhere from 2 to 10 otherwise healthy women are being turned into breast cancer patients [unnecessarily]?”
Well, first of all: “Are patients [even told] about [the possibility of] overdiagnosis by their physicians…?” I mean, it is, after all, “now recognized as the most serious downside of [mammogram] screening.” Well, hundreds were asked, and less than one out of 10 said that they had been informed about it. And, when they were told about it, a little more than half said they wouldn’t agree to screening if it resulted “in more than 1 overtreated person per 1 life saved.” “Wow. That implies that millions of Americans might not choose to be screened if they knew the whole story; however, [90%] do not.”
Most “[w]omen are aware [about] false-positives…and [tend] to view them as an acceptable consequence of [mammograms].” But, “[i]n contrast, most women [were] unaware that screening [could] detect cancers that may never progress.” And, what they don’t know could potentially even kill them.
So, when considering the pros and cons of mammograms, it would be good to consider “total mortality.” Can it actually help you live longer, on average? And, mammograms have not been shown to do that, “and it is therefore misleading to claim that ‘screening saves lives.'”
Theoretically, “[r]outine [mammograms should] increase…a [50-year-old] nonsmoking woman’s overall survival chance from around 96.3%…to 97.1% over 10 years. [But] [t]hese statistics disregard deaths from overdiagnosis.” Deaths from the unnecessary radiation and chemo, “and thus increased mortality from heart disease and other [cancers] that may entirely outweigh the benefit in terms of reduced breast cancer mortality.”
You can’t irradiate the breast without exposing the rest of your chest to radiation—your heart, your lungs—explaining why breast cancer survivors can end up with “significant and marked impairment in cardiopulmonary [heart-lung] function.” “Radiation [treatments] increase…deaths from heart disease by more than 25% and from lung cancer by nearly 80%.” Now, we would accept that risk if we were beating back some deadly cancer, but “[t]he main effect of screening is to produce patients with breast cancer” for which treatment offers zero benefit—since they “would have remained free of breast disease for the rest of their lives” without it, since “[c]ompelling data [suggest] that most overdiagnosed tumors would have regressed spontaneously without treatment.”
“Still, [women] who have had a cancer detected and then removed are likely to feel their life was saved.” But perhaps 10 times more likely their lives were actually seriously harmed, not saved. Ten times more likely you were told you had a cancer that could kill you, but you really didn’t, corralled into the operating room for surgery you didn’t need. Every doctor’s appointment, every sleepless night, all completely unnecessary—yet, you come out as mammograms’ greatest advocate; it saved your life. That’s the crazy thing about mammograms, about PSA testing for prostate cancer; the people who are the most harmed are the ones who claim the greatest benefit.
So, overdiagnosis creates this vicious “cycle…for more overdiagnosis,” because more and more people know someone—”a friend, a family member,…a celebrity—who ‘owes their life’ to early cancer detection.” So, the worse the test is, the more overdiagnosis it causes, “the more popular [it] becomes. The more mammograms harm women, the better they seem to work. The more breasts that are surgically removed completely unnecessarily, the more women swear by it.
Yeah, it’s maybe billions of dollars wasted for nothing that could be spent on doing more for women’s health. But, it’s the human costs; the “[h]arms from breast cancer-screening [may] outweigh the benefits if death caused by treatment is included.” Based on some best- and worst-case scenario estimates, “[f]or every 10 000 women invited for 10 years of [mammogram] screening, 3 to 4 breast cancer deaths [may be] avoided at [the] cost of” around 2 to 9 deaths “from the long-term toxicity of [unnecessary radiation treatments].” Yet, only one in 10 women undergoing mammography said they were ever told about overdiagnosis, even though nine out of 10 thought they had the right to know.
Now, overdiagnosis is not easy to talk about. It’s a sensitive issue, but “[j]ust because communicating with patients [can be] difficult” doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t do it. Informed women deserve no less;” we have an ethical responsibility to let them know.
Please consider volunteering to help out on the site.
- Jørgensen KJ, Gøtzsche PC. Breast Cancer Screening: Benefit or Harm?. JAMA. 2016;315(13):1402.
- Gøtzsche PC. Time to stop mammography screening?. CMAJ. 2011;183(17):1957-8.
- Ong MS, Mandl KD. National expenditure for false-positive mammograms and breast cancer overdiagnoses estimated at $4 billion a year. Health Aff (Millwood). 2015;34(4):576-83.
- Houssami N. Overdiagnosis of breast cancer in population screening: does it make breast screening worthless?. Cancer Biol Med. 2017;14(1):1-8.
- Elmore JG, Fletcher SW. Overdiagnosis in breast cancer screening: time to tackle an underappreciated harm. Ann Intern Med. 2012;156(7):536-7.
- Welch HG. Informed choice in cancer screening. JAMA Intern Med. 2013;173(22):2088.
- Schwartz LM, Woloshin S, Sox HC, Fischhoff B, Welch HG. US women's attitudes to false-positive mammography results and detection of ductal carcinoma in situ: cross-sectional survey. West J Med. 2000;173(5):307-12.
- Wegwarth O, Gigerenzer G. Less is more: Overdiagnosis and overtreatment: evaluation of what physicians tell their patients about screening harms. JAMA Intern Med. 2013;173(22):2086-7.
- Sohn E. Screening. Don’t look now: Mammogram screenings are an established part of women’s health care, but are they more trouble than they are worth? Nature 527, S118–S119 (19 November 2015).
- Scudellari M. The science myths that will not die. Nature. 2015;528(7582):322-5.
- Welch HG, Black WC. Overdiagnosis in cancer. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2010;102(9):605-13.
- Luqmani YA. Breast screening: an obsessive compulsive disorder. Cancer Causes Control. 2014;25(10):1423-6.
- Jones LW, Courneya KS, Mackey JR, et al. Cardiopulmonary function and age-related decline across the breast cancer survivorship continuum. J Clin Oncol. 2012;30(20):2530-7.
- Baum M. Harms from breast cancer screening outweigh benefits if death caused by treatment is included. BMJ. 2013;346:f385.
- Keen JD, Jørgensen KJ. Four Principles to Consider Before Advising Women on Screening Mammography. J Womens Health (Larchmt). 2015;24(11):867-74.
- Gøtzsche PC, Jørgensen KJ. Screening for breast cancer with mammography. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2013;(6):CD001877.
- Moynihan R, Nickel B, Hersch J, et al. Public Opinions about Overdiagnosis: A National Community Survey. PLoS ONE. 2015;10(5):e0125165.
Image credit: klbz via pixabay. Image has been modified.
Motion graphics by Avocado Video
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Women Deserve to Know the Truth About Mammograms
LicenseCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)
Content URLDoctor's Note
For more on this challenging concept of overdiagnosis, see the other videos in my 14-part series on mammograms:
- Nine out of Ten Women Misinformed About Mammograms
- Mammogram Recommendations: Why the Conflicting Guidelines?
- Should Women Get Mammograms Starting at Age 40?
- Do Mammograms Save Lives?
- Consequences of False-Positive Mammogram Results
- Do Mammograms Hurt?
- Can Mammogram Radiation Cause Breast Cancer?
- Understanding the Mammogram Paradox
- Overtreatment of Stage 0 Breast Cancer DCIS
The final four videos in my series include:
- Breast Cancer and the Five-Year Survival Rate Myth
- Why Mammograms Don’t Appear to Save Lives
- Why Patients Aren’t Informed About Mammograms
- The Pros and Cons of Mammograms
Women deserve to know the whole truth about mammograms so they can make up their own minds. I am not opposed to mammograms. I am opposed to the patronizing attitude that women should be pressured into getting them without being fully informed about the benefits and risks. Some women will still choose to get them, but others will not. It’s up to them to decide.
If you want to watch the entire series right now, you can stream it for a donation to NutritionFacts.org by going here.
For more on breast cancer, see my videos Oxidized Cholesterol 27HC May Explain Three Breast Cancer Mysteriesand Eggs and Breast Cancer.
I was able to cover colon cancer screening in just one video. If you missed it, check out Should We All Get Colonoscopies Starting at Age 50?.
Also on the topic of medical screenings, see Is It Worth Getting Annual Health Check-Ups? and Is It Worth Getting an Annual Physical Exam?.
If you haven’t yet, you can subscribe to my videos for free by clicking here. Read our important information about translations here.