Anti-Inflammatory Foods: The Benefits of Berries
Which fruits have anti-inflammatory effects and which do not?
Topic summary contributed by volunteer(s): Randy
In the U.S., what passes for black currants are usually actually champagne grape raisins, but may still be more nutritious than regular raisins, which come from green grapes. Raisins given as a snack for kids may be so satiating that the children end up eating fewer calories overall.
The healthiest grapes are often grown in relatively dry, sun-exposed, relatively infertile soil. Eating whole grapes is probably more nutritious than just drinking grape juice and may significantly lower the risk of type 2 diabetes, whereas fruit juice consumption is associated with a higher risk. Concord grape juice, however, may help slow brain aging, and an evaluation of nine common fruit juices showed purple grape juice to have the most phenols, which may be protective against Alzheimer’s disease. In terms of dental health, we must be careful with both whole fruits, like grapes, and their juices since their natural acids can erode tooth enamel. Grapes have antioxidants that may help reduce inflammation and benefit gene expression. Green grapes, though, have a low antioxidant amount. Grapes have polyphenols and flavonoids that may help with weight loss.
Grapes along with other fruits and vegetables, may help to decrease TOR enzyme activity, which in turn may lower cancer risk. Certain phytonutrients, including resveratrol in grapes, mimic the potentially beneficial physiological effects of caloric restriction. Consuming grapes may also help protect joint cartilage and reduce inflammation, reduce asthma symptoms, and improve mood. The grape components of de-alcoholized red wine, may improve arterial function, but eating grapes with seeds may be more effective than drinking wine if the goal is to reduce breast cancer risk. Concord grapes in particular may help prevent breast cancer, and red grapes may slow liver cancer cell growth.
For substantiation of any statements of fact from the peer-reviewed medical literature, please see the associated videos below.
Image Credit: Jill Wellington / Pixabay. This image has been modified.
Which fruits have anti-inflammatory effects and which do not?
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The majority of polyphenol phytonutrients may be bound to fiber, helping to explain the marked difference in health impacts between whole fruit and fruit juice.
Suppressing the engine-of-aging enzyme TOR (Target of Rapamycin) by reducing intake of leucine–rich animal products, such as milk, may reduce cancer risk.
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A new concept in biology tries to explain why the consumption of certain natural compounds in plants may mimic the lifespan-enhancing benefits of caloric restriction.
Plants and animals share similar biochemical pathways and signaling systems, which may explain why so many phytonutrients are beneficial to our physiology.
Whole fruits and vegetables were compared to both antioxidant pills, as well as supplements containing fruits and vegetable extracts, for their ability to treat seasonal allergies, improve lung function, and control asthma.
The consumption of blueberries and strawberries is associated with delayed cognitive aging by as much as 2.5 years—thought to be because of brain-localizing anthocyanin phytonutrients, as shown on functional MRI scans.
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Certain berries may help relieve visual fatigue associated with staring at a computer screen all day.
To stay out of oxidative debt, we need to take in more antioxidants than we use up.
Natural monoamine oxidase enzyme inhibitors in fruits and vegetables may help explain the improvement in mood associated with switching to a plant-based diet.