Breast cancer survivors may reduce their chances of survival if they eat too much trans fat, found primarily in the American diet in junk food and animal products.
Breast Cancer Survival and Trans Fat
Doctor's Note
For the role of saturated fat in breast cancer survival, see Breast Cancer Survival, Butterfat, and Chicken. When the dietary guidelines recommend keeping intake of trans fat as low as possible, what does that mean on a practical level? See Trans Fat, Saturated Fat and Cholesterol: Tolerable Upper Intake of Zero. Nice to see public health trump corporate interests. See Dietary Guidelines: USDA Conflicts of Interest for one of my other videos on the guidelines.
Also be sure to check out my associated blog posts: Breast Cancer Survival and Soy; Health Food Store Advice: Often Worthless or Worst; Mushrooms for Breast Cancer Prevention; Flax and Breast Cancer Survival; and Trans Fat in Animal Fat.
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