![Avocados Lower Small Dense LDL Cholesterol](https://nutritionfacts.org/app/uploads/2017/12/39-16-Avocados-Lower-Small-Dense-LDL-Cholesterol-120x90.jpg)
Avocados Lower Small Dense LDL Cholesterol
What are the effects of oatmeal, walnuts, extra virgin olive oil, and avocados on LDL cholesterol size?
What are the effects of oatmeal, walnuts, extra virgin olive oil, and avocados on LDL cholesterol size?
Infants of mothers randomized to cut out eggs, milk, and fish were significantly less likely to have eczema even years later.
Randomized, double-blind, controlled trials suggest that excluding certain foods, such as eggs and chicken, can significantly improve atopic dermatitis.
What happened when cancer patients were given three quarters of a cup of canned tomato sauce every day for three weeks?
Women with uterine fibroids should consider adding green tea to their daily diet, as a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled interventional trial suggests it may help as well as surgery.
The same diet that helps regulate hormones in women may also reduce exposure to endocrine-disrupting pollutants.
What does the world’s leading authority on carcinogens have to say about mobile phones?
A book purported to expose “hidden dangers” in healthy foods doesn’t even pass the whiff test.
Should we be concerned about high-choline plant foods, such as broccoli, producing the same toxic TMAO that results from eating high-choline animal foods, such as eggs?
What is the role of dairy- and yeast-exclusion diets on arresting and reversing an inflammatory autoimmune disease?
Those with certain autoimmune diseases such as Crohn’s disease should probably not eat nutritional yeast.
What happens when metastatic prostate cancer patients were taught to increase intake of whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and beans, and to decrease consumption of meat, dairy, and junk?
Do the medium-chain triglycerides in coconut oil and the fiber in flaked coconut counteract the negative effects on cholesterol and artery function?
A daily half-cup of cooked rice may carry a hundred times the acceptable cancer risk of arsenic. What about seaweed from the coast of Maine?
What was the National Chicken Council’s response to public health authorities calling for the industry to stop feeding arsenic-based drugs to poultry?
One way a diet rich in animal-sourced foods like meat, eggs, and cheese may contribute to heart disease, stroke, kidney failure, and death is through the production of toxin called TMAO.
Soy is put to the test for the treatment of prostate cancer.
Which appear more protective: fermented soy foods, such as miso and tempeh, or unfermented soy, like tofu and soy milk?
The Fairness Doctrine example shows the extent to which purveyors of unhealthy products will go to keep the truth from the American public.
After the trans fat oil ban, the only remaining major sources of trans fat will be from meat and dairy.
What happens to our gut flora when we switch from a more animal-based diet to a more plant-based diet?
Polyomaviruses discovered in meat can survive cooking and pasteurization.
All plants produce “phytochelatins” to bind up heavy metals to protect themselves from the harmful effects, so what if we ate the plants?
The reason egg consumption is associated with elevated cancer risk may be the TMAO, considered the “smoking gun” of microbiome-disease interactions.
Whole plant sources of sugar and fat can ameliorate some of the postprandial (after-meal) inflammation caused by the consumption of refined carbohydrates and meat.
Within hours of eating an unhealthy meal, we can get a spike in inflammation, crippling our artery function, thickening our blood, and causing a fight-or-flight nerve response. Thankfully, there are foods we can eat at every meal to counter this reaction.
What we eat determines what kind of bacteria we foster the growth of in our gut, which can increase or decrease our risk of some of our leading killer diseases.
Eating meat during breastfeeding is associated with an increased risk of type 1 diabetes, perhaps a consequence of meat glycotoxins or paratuberculosis bacteria that may be passed though breast milk.
“Fear of consumer reaction” led the U.S. dairy industry to suppress the discovery in retail milk of live paraTB bacteria, a pathogen linked to type 1 diabetes.
Increasing the cost of cigarettes through tobacco taxes is one of the most effective ways to decrease the harms of smoking. What does the science say about taxing sodium, sugar, and saturated fat?
Does a cancer-causing herpes virus in chickens pose a public health threat?
How the egg industry funded a study designed to cover up the toxic trimethylamine oxide reaction to egg consumption.
Should the active ingredient in aspirin be considered an essential vitamin?
Is a plant-based diet sufficient to reach sodium goals?
The link between Parkinson’s and dairy may not be explained just by the pesticides and lactose.
Why do those eating plant-based diets appear to suffer less from morning sickness?
What pregnant women eat may affect even the health of their grandchildren.
Why does the meat industry add salt to its products when millions of lives are at stake?
What is the baggage that comes along with the nutrients in your food?
How might we prevent and reverse hypertension, the number-one risk factor for death in the world?