Should Women at High Risk for Breast Cancer Avoid Soy?
Which dietary changes could reduce free radical damage and also improve DNA repair in women with mutated BRCA genes?
Which dietary changes could reduce free radical damage and also improve DNA repair in women with mutated BRCA genes?
One third of men in their 30s may already have tiny, cancerous tumors in their prostates. How much tea would we have to drink to build up cancer-suppressing levels in our prostate tissue?
Combining certain foods together may be more beneficial than eating them separately.
Can the consumption of sesame seeds improve the clinical signs and symptoms of arthritis?
What is the baggage that comes along with the nutrients in your food?
What can our nutrient requirements, metabolism, and physiology tell us about what we should be eating?
A salted meal can impair artery function within 30 minutes by suppressing a key detoxifying antioxidant enzyme in our body.
Vegetables and fruit, such as dried plums, may help build stronger bones.
Berries counteract the neurotoxic effects of pesticides in vitro, potentially explaining why berry consumption is associated with lower risk of developing Parkinson’s disease.
Avoid sugary and cholesterol-laden foods to reduce the risk of our most common cause of chronic liver disease.
White rice is missing more than fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Phytonutrients such as gamma oryzanol in brown rice may help explain the clinical benefits, and naturally pigmented rice varieties may be even healthier.
Dietary diversity is important because each plant family has a unique combination of phytonutrients that may bind to specific proteins within our body.
Chlorophyll in our bloodstream after eating greens may react with wavelengths of sunlight that penetrate through our skin to reactivate the antioxidant Coenzyme Q10 (ubiquinol).
If copper is associated with Alzheimer’s disease, what about healthy, whole plant food sources such as nuts, seeds, beans, and whole grains?
Why should we wait ten minutes after chopping or crushing garlic before we cook it unless we’re going in for elective surgery within the next week?
Certain foods are linked not only to increased happiness, but also to greater “eudaemonic” well-being—feelings of engagement, creativity, meaning, and purpose in life.
What can we eat to combat “inflamm-aging,” the chronic low-grade inflammation that accompanies the aging process?
Eating antioxidant-rich foods can bolster skin protection and reduce sunburn redness by 40%, whereas alcohol can dramatically drop the level of antioxidants in the skin within 8 minutes of consumption.
Dietary Acid Load is determined by the balance of acid-inducing food, such as meats, eggs, and cheeses, offset by base-inducing (“alkaline”) foods, such as fruits and vegetables.
If depression can be induced with pro-inflammatory drugs, might an anti-inflammatory diet be effective in preventing and treating mood disorders?
Health authorities appear to have taken the patronizing view that the public can’t handle the truth and would rather the science be watered down.
What would happen if you centered your diet around vegetables, the most nutrient-dense food group?
The most comprehensive controlled trial of diet and mood finds that a plant-based nutrition program in a workplace setting across ten corporate sites significantly improves depression, anxiety, and productivity.
Concerns about smoothies and oxalic acid, nitrate availability, dental erosion, and weight gain are addressed.
Smoothies (and blended soups and sauces) offer a convenient way to boost both the quantity and quality of fruit and vegetable intake by reducing food particle size to help maximize nutrient absorption.
The consumption of animal fat appears to increase the growth of gut bacteria that turn our bile acids into carcinogens.
Protective properties of whole plant foods against diabetes include antioxidants, lipotropes, fiber, and the ability to suppress the estrogen-producing bacteria in our gut.
Potential culprits include the trans fat in meat, the saturated fat, cholesterol, heme iron, advanced glycation end products (glycotoxins), animal protein (especially leucine), zoonotic viruses, and industrial pollutants that accumulate up the food chain.
Does extra virgin olive oil have the same adverse effect on arterial function as refined oils and animal fats?
Dr. Greger has scoured the world’s scholarly literature on clinical nutrition and developed this new presentation based on the latest in cutting edge research exploring the role diet may play in preventing, arresting, and even reversing some of our most feared causes of death and disability.
The mercury content in fish may help explain links found between fish intake and mental disorders, depression, and suicide.
Diet and exercise synergize to improve endothelial function, the ability of our arteries to relax normally.
Immunocompromised patients, such as those undergoing chemotherapy, are often denied fresh fruits and vegetables to ostensibly protect them against foodborne illness.
Less than 3% of Americans meet the daily recommended fiber intake, despite research suggesting high-fiber foods such as whole grains can affect the progression of coronary heart disease.
Which foods should we eat and avoid to prevent and treat acid reflux before it can place us at risk for Barrett’s esophagus and cancer?
Test tube studies show advantages of organic produce, such as better cancer cell growth suppression, but what about in people, not Petri dishes?
There appear to be no consistent differences in the level of vitamins and minerals in organic versus conventionally grown produce, but organic fruits and vegetables have more phenolic phytonutrients.
Neither antioxidant or folic acid supplements seem to help with mood, but the consumption of antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables and folate-rich beans and greens may lower the risk for depression.
Does the threshold for toxicity of fructose apply to fruit or just to added industrial sugars such as sucrose and high fructose corn syrup?
Is whole grain consumption just a marker for healthier behaviors, or do whole grains have direct health benefits?