Preventing Inflammatory Bowel Disease with Diet
Eating a diet filled with animal products can disrupt your microbiome faster than taking an antibiotic.
Eating a diet filled with animal products can disrupt your microbiome faster than taking an antibiotic.
What do hospitals have to say for themselves for feeding people meals that appear to be designed to inspire repeat business?
Clinical trials on Quorn show that it can improve satiety and help people control cholesterol, blood sugar, and insulin levels.
What are the different impacts of plant protein versus animal protein, and do the benefits of plant proteins translate to plant protein isolates?
Learn why sorghum is one of my favorite new grains.
Fasting, followed by a plant-based diet, is put to the test for autoimmune inflammatory joint disease.
Why don’t environmental groups advocate climate-friendlier diets?
How much greenhouse gas does the production of different foods cause measured in miles driven or lightbulb hour equivalents?
Why the current Recommended Daily Allowance for vitamin B12 may be insufficient.
Green smoothies are put to the test for the autoimmune disease SLE (lupus).
Not taking B12 supplements or regularly eating B12 fortified foods may explain the higher stroke risk found among vegetarians.
Might animal protein-induced increases in the cancer-promoting grown hormone IGF-1 help promote brain artery integrity?
The first study in history on the incidence of stroke of vegetarians and vegans suggests they may be at higher risk.
What is the relationship between stroke risk and dairy, eggs, meat, and soda?
We need to reform the food system before it’s too late.
Why are U.S. taxpayers giving billions to support the likes of the sugar and livestock industries?
A review of reviews on the health effects of animal foods versus plant foods.
Public health authorities continue to drop the upper tolerable limit of daily added sugar intake.
Breakthroughs in the field of chronobiology—the study of our circadian rhythms—help solve the mystery of the missing morning calories in breakfast studies.
In this live presentation, Dr. Greger offers a sneak peek into his book How Not to Diet.
How the food industry responds to “health food faddists.”
Treating the cause of infant reflux with maternal cow’s milk elimination.
Oxidized cholesterol (concentrated in products containing eggs, processed meat, and parmesan cheese) has cancer-fueling estrogenic effects on human breast cancer.
How few eggs should we eat to reduce the risk of prostate, ovarian, colon, and breast cancer?
The relationship between the consumption of eggs and other cholesterol-rich foods and cancers of the colon, breast, endometrium, pancreas, and throat.
What is the best source of lutein, the primary carotenoid antioxidant in the brain?
Comparing the diets of the Roman gladiator “barley men” and army troopers to the modern Spartans of today.
How the meat and dairy industries design studies showing their products have neutral or even beneficial effects on cholesterol and inflammation.
What happens when you put diabetics on a diet composed of largely whole grains, vegetables, and beans?
How to choose the healthiest coffee, and the effects of adding milk vs. soymilk.
Can UTI-causing ExPEC E. coli bacteria be transferred human-to-human from those who eat chicken?
Chlorella is put to the test for liver disease, cholesterol, and detoxifying carcinogens.
What is the return on investment for educating employees about healthy eating and living?
The most well-published community-based lifestyle intervention in the medical literature is also one of the most effective.
Researchers tested 76 samples of different kinds of organic and conventional meats for 33 different carcinogens.
What is the science behind the marketing of foods for antidepressant effects?
The secret to unlocking the benefits of chia seeds may be grinding them up.
What dietary change can simultaneously help detoxify mercury, lead, and cadmium from the body?
What happened when researchers tried to tease out what’s in dairy that interferes with the health benefits of berries and tea?
High-fat plant foods—avocados, peanuts, and walnuts—and olive oil are put to the test.