Arsenic in Rice Milk, Rice Krispies, & Brown Rice Syrup
I recommend people switch away from using rice milk.
I recommend people switch away from using rice milk.
When it comes to rice and rice-based products, pediatric nutrition authorities have recommended that arsenic intake should be as low as possible.
Boiling rice like pasta reduces arsenic levels, but how much nutrition is lost?
Arsenic levels were tested in 5,800 rice samples from 25 countries.
Brown rice contains more arsenic than white rice, but the arsenic in brown rice is less absorbable, so how does it wash out when you compare the urine arsenic levels of white-rice eaters to brown-rice eaters?
A daily half-cup of cooked rice may carry a hundred times the acceptable cancer risk of arsenic. What about seaweed from the coast of Maine?
Even at low-level exposure, arsenic is not just a class I carcinogen, but may also impair our immune function and increase our risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
What happens when our crops are grown in soil contaminated with arsenic-based pesticides and arsenic drug-laced chicken manure?
What was the National Chicken Council’s response to public health authorities calling for the industry to stop feeding arsenic-based drugs to poultry?
After the trans fat oil ban, the only remaining major sources of trans fat will be from meat and dairy.
Daily supplementation with 1,000 mg of vitamin C was put to the test to see if it could improve male fertility and lower lead levels.
Those who have higher vitamin C levels tend to have less lead in their bloodstream, but what happens when people are given vitamin C supplements to put it to the test?
Are there any benefits of garlic powder for treating mild-to-moderate lead poisoning?
All plants produce “phytochelatins” to bind up heavy metals to protect themselves from the harmful effects, so what if we ate the plants?
Getting food into your stomach within a few hours of lead exposure can suppress the absorption of lead by 90 percent or more—but which foods are particularly protective?
Iron, zinc, oil, and even doughnuts are put to the test to see if they can block lead absorption.
Much of the lead found in adults today was deposited into our skeletons decades ago and is just now leaching out from our bones into our blood. What are the health consequences of having lead levels down around the American average?
What are the health consequences of even “low” levels of lead exposure?
How the lead industry got the best science money could buy.
What happened in Flint, Michigan, how was it discovered, and how many more Flints are there?
The 69-year delay in banning lead in paint in the United States has been attributed to the marketing and lobbying efforts of the industry profiting from the poison.
Shaving before applying underarm antiperspirants can increase aluminum absorption. Could this explain the greater number of tumors and the disproportionate incidence of breast cancer in the upper outer quadrant of the breast near the armpit?
The majority of dietary supplement facilities tested were found noncompliant with good manufacturing practices guidelines.
Perhaps dietary guidelines should stress fresh, frozen, and dried fruit—rather than canned.
Organic chicken broth is popular with paleo diet advocates, but do tests indicate the presence of the toxic heavy metal lead?
If copper is associated with Alzheimer’s disease, what about healthy, whole plant food sources such as nuts, seeds, beans, and whole grains?
What’s the best way to fulfill the omega-3 essential fat requirements?
How much green, white, black, and oolong tea can we consume before the benefits of tea start to be countered by the risks of lead contamination for children, pregnant women, and adults in general?
Concerns about smoothies and oxalic acid, nitrate availability, dental erosion, and weight gain are addressed.
Potential culprits include the trans fat in meat, the saturated fat, cholesterol, heme iron, advanced glycation end products (glycotoxins), animal protein (especially leucine), zoonotic viruses, and industrial pollutants that accumulate up the food chain.
If we increased our consumption of conventionally-produced fruits and vegetables, how much cancer would be prevented versus how much cancer might be caused by the additional pesticide exposure?
Beta glucan fiber in nutritional yeast may improve immune function, but there is a concern about lead contamination in some brands.
The impressive manganese content of hibiscus tea may be the limiting factor for safe daily levels of consumption.
The tea plant concentrates aluminum from the soil into tea leaves, but phytonutrients in tea bind to the metal and limit its absorption.
Dr. Greger has scoured the world’s scholarly literature on clinical nutrition and developed this new presentation based on the latest in cutting-edge research exploring the role diet may play in preventing, arresting, and even reversing some of our leading causes of death and disability.
Though the most concentrated sources of the toxic metal cadmium are cigarette smoke, seafood, and organ meats, does greater consumption from whole grains and vegetables present a concern?
The levels of arsenic, banned pesticides, and dioxins exceeded cancer benchmarks in each of the 364 children tested. Which foods were the primary sources of toxic pollutants for preschoolers and their parents?
Just because something is natural and plant-based doesn’t mean it’s necessarily safe. Those who are pregnant, have gallstones, or are susceptible to kidney stones may want to moderate their turmeric consumption.
Risk/benefit analysis of 33 fish species contrasts the brain-boosting effects of DHA with the brain-damaging effects of mercury, to determine the net effect on intelligence (IQ).
Exposure to mercury during pregnancy appears to influence fetal brain development, as detected by decreased size of a newborn’s brain.