Topic summary contributed by volunteer(s): Jan

Reducing total cholesterol to under 150 may be necessary to eliminate our risk of heart attacks, our number one killer. This can be accomplished with statins, which may cause memory loss, or a plant-based diet and other lifestyle modifications.

Berries, 30 minutes of daily aerobic exercise, and getting 7-8 hours sleep may be helpful for improving short-term memory function and decreasing cognitive decline.

Creatine supplementation may improve memory, but the effect appearsmore pronounced in vegetarians than in meat-eaters. Vegetarians and vegans should take a B12 supplement to prevent brain loss. Total vegetable consumption is associated with improved fact-based memory. Soy and caffeine have been found to protect and enhance memory function, and alternate day fasting was found to produce a dramatic improvement in memory.

Elevated alkylphenol levels in nursing mothers, due to contaminated seafood consumption, may impact memory function in infants and a rare toxin
found in seafood may permanently compromise short-term memory function. Consumption of high levels of seafood may also cause neurobehavioral issues such as memory loss, possibly due to high mercury levels. Pregnant women who eat licorice may be risking diminished memory function to their unborn babies.

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