Best Supplement for Canker Sores
Vitamin C, turmeric, beta-glucan fiber, and vitamin B12 are put to the test for recurring canker sores (aphthous ulcers).
Vitamin C, turmeric, beta-glucan fiber, and vitamin B12 are put to the test for recurring canker sores (aphthous ulcers).
Chlorella is put to the test for liver disease, cholesterol, and detoxifying carcinogens.
Oxidized cholesterol can be a hundred times more toxic than regular cholesterol, raising additional concerns about foods such as ghee, canned tuna, processed meat, and parmesan cheese.
Should laptops not be on laps? What is the effect of WiFi exposure on sperm motility and DNA damage?
What is the effect of cell phone radiation on sperm motility and DNA damage?
What is the risk-benefit ratio of the cancers picked up by mammograms and the cancers caused by mammograms?
What happened when cancer patients were given three quarters of a cup of canned tomato sauce every day for three weeks?
High doses of lycopene—the red pigment in tomatoes—were put to the test to see if it could prevent precancerous prostate lesions from turning into full-blown cancer.
Avocado consumption can improve artery function, but what effect might guacamole have on cancer risk?
Do mobile phones cause brain tumors? Whenever a trillion-dollar industry is involved—whether it’s Big Food, Big Tobacco, Big Pharma, or Big Telecom—there’s so much money that the science can get manipulated.
The sulforaphane found in five cents’ worth of broccoli sprouts has been shown to benefit autism in a way no drug ever has in randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study.
One food may be able to combat all four purported causal factors of autism: synaptic dysfunction, oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, and neuroinflammation.
What happened when turmeric curcumin was put to the test to see if it could reverse DNA damage caused by arsenic exposure?
When it comes to rice and rice-based products, pediatric nutrition authorities have recommended that arsenic intake should be as low as possible.
Daily supplementation with 1,000 mg of vitamin C was put to the test to see if it could improve male fertility and lower lead levels.
What would happen if you secretly gave cancer patients four of the healthiest foods?
A mixture of results have been reported using green tea to try to stop or reverse the progression of oral cancer, lung cancer, cervical cancer, and colon cancer.
Within 40 minutes of green tea consumption, we get a boost in antioxidant power in our bloodstream, and, within 60 minutes, an upregulation of DNA repair.
Even a small amount of fresh herbs can double or even quadruple the antioxidant power of a meal. The abilities of oregano to decrease chromosomal damage from radiation and marjoram to affect hormone levels in women with PCOS are put to the test.
Which dietary changes could reduce free radical damage and also improve DNA repair in women with mutated BRCA genes?
Less than half of herbal supplements tested from a dozen companies were found to be authentic.
Why might exposure to bovine proteins increase the risk of childhood-onset autoimmune type 1 diabetes?
As many as 37 percent of human breast cancer cases may be attributable to exposure to bovine leukemia virus.
Berries counteract the neurotoxic effects of pesticides in vitro, potentially explaining why berry consumption is associated with lower risk of developing Parkinson’s disease.
The reason eating citrus fruits appears to protect against cancer may be because of DNA repair enzyme-boosting powers of a compound concentrated in the peel.
Every hour, there are 800 incidents of DNA damage in our bodies. Which foods help us patch back up: apples, broccoli, celery, choy sum, lemons, lettuce, oranges, persimmons, or strawberries?
What was the meat industry’s response to the recommendation by leading cancer charities to stop eating processed meats, such as bacon, ham, hot dogs, sausage, and lunchmeat?
If copper is associated with Alzheimer’s disease, what about healthy, whole plant food sources such as nuts, seeds, beans, and whole grains?
What happens to our gut flora microbiome when we’re on plant-based versus animal-based diets?
Concerns about smoothies and oxalic acid, nitrate availability, dental erosion, and weight gain are addressed.
The consumption of animal fat appears to increase the growth of gut bacteria that turn our bile acids into carcinogens.
If we increased our consumption of conventionally-produced fruits and vegetables, how much cancer would be prevented versus how much cancer might be caused by the additional pesticide exposure?
There appear to be no consistent differences in the level of vitamins and minerals in organic versus conventionally grown produce, but organic fruits and vegetables have more phenolic phytonutrients.
Of all the components of a healthy Mediterranean diet, which are associated with a longer lifespan?
The toxic rotten egg gas hydrogen sulfide may explain why animal protein is associated with inflammatory bowel disease.
Is the reversal of cellular aging Dr. Dean Ornish demonstrated with lifestyle changes due to the plant-based diet, the exercise or just to the associated weight loss?
Dr. Dean Ornish showed that his plant-based diet, exercise, and stress management intervention could in effect reverse the aging of our DNA. What effect might the stress management component have had?
Legumes such as lentils, chickpeas, beans and split peas may reduce cholesterol so much that consumers may be able to get off their cholesterol-lowering statin drugs, but to profoundly alter heart disease risk we may have to more profoundly alter our diet.
There’s a cheap concoction one can make at home that safely wipes out cavity-forming bacteria on our teeth better than chlorhexidine mouthwash and also reduces their plaque-forming ability.
The reason why women who have more frequent bowel movements appear to be at lower risk for breast cancer may be because bile acids absorbed from our intestines concentrate in the breast and have a estrogen-like tumor promoting effect.