Benefits of Blueberries for the Brain
Blueberries can significantly improve cognitive performance within hours of consumption.
Blueberries can significantly improve cognitive performance within hours of consumption.
Researchers tested 76 samples of different kinds of organic and conventional meats for 33 different carcinogens.
What are the eight preparation methods to reduce exposure to carcinogens in cooked meat?
What role do antibiotics play in the development and treatment of autism spectrum disorder?
What are the effects of spinach and berries on oxidative stress, inflammation, and muscle soreness in athletes?
There are some serious public health concerns about the legalization of marijuana, but they’re probably not what you might expect.
Commercial influences may have corrupted the American College of Sports Medicine’s hydration guidelines.
What’s the best household cleaning product to use?
Is the American Academy of Pediatrics’ opposition to cannabis legalization just reefer madness revisited?
What are the effects of smoking, pesticides, vaccine mercury, and air pollution on autistic spectrum disorder risk?
Before speculating about the reason for the “explosive” increase in autism, one has to make sure the explosion is real.
Do calcium citrate and calcium carbonate have as much lead as calcium supplements derived from dolomite and animal bone?
Simple kitchen experiments can confirm that microwaves leak from microwave ovens during operation, but do they pose a health risk?
The hazards of microwave ovens may not be what you might expect.
What are the effects of sodium and calcium intake on blood lead levels in pregnant and breastfeeding women?
The lead trapped in our skeleton can leach back into our bloodstream when we temporarily or permanently lose bone due to pregnancy, weight loss, menopause, or osteoporosis.
Oil pulling may help with tooth sensitivity, but the risk of inducing lipoid pneumonia outweighs the benefits.
Infants of mothers randomized to cut out eggs, milk, and fish were significantly less likely to have eczema even years later.
Randomized, double-blind, controlled trials suggest that excluding certain foods, such as eggs and chicken, can significantly improve atopic dermatitis.
What did the most comprehensive double-blind study of diet for autism find, and what are the potential downsides?
What happens when autistic children on gluten- and casein-free diets are covertly challenged with wheat and dairy?
The original randomized, controlled trials of gluten- and casein-free diets may have been complicated by parental expectation bias.
What were the results of the first randomized controlled study of a dietary intervention for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)?
The casomorphins—breakdown products of casein, a milk protein, with opiate-like activity—in bovine milk appear to have opposite effects than those from human breast milk on infant development, but what about A2 cow’s milk?
Casomorphins—breakdown products of casein, a milk protein, with opiate-like activity—may help explain why autism symptoms sometimes improve with a dairy-free diet.
Most hunters may not be aware about the health risks related to consuming meat from animals shot with lead ammunition.
The amount of beta-glucan fiber in just a dusting of nutritional yeast a day is put to the test in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial for the prevention of common childhood illnesses.
Natural topical remedies for eczema, including licorice root gel, St. John’s Wort cream, and emollients such as coconut oil, mineral oil, and petroleum jelly, are put to the test.
What does the world’s leading authority on carcinogens have to say about mobile phones?
Do mobile phones cause brain tumors? Whenever a trillion-dollar industry is involved—whether it’s Big Food, Big Tobacco, Big Pharma, or Big Telecom—there’s so much money that the science can get manipulated.
The sulforaphane found in five cents’ worth of broccoli sprouts has been shown to benefit autism in a way no drug ever has in randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study.
One food may be able to combat all four purported causal factors of autism: synaptic dysfunction, oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, and neuroinflammation.
Dramatic improvements in autistic children when they have a fever suggest that the disease may be reversible if one can replicate the phenomenon in other ways.
Given the lead contamination found in candies containing chili imported from Mexico, 25 hot sauces were tested for heavy metals.
I recommend people switch away from using rice milk.
When it comes to rice and rice-based products, pediatric nutrition authorities have recommended that arsenic intake should be as low as possible.
Brown rice contains more arsenic than white rice, but the arsenic in brown rice is less absorbable, so how does it wash out when you compare the urine arsenic levels of white-rice eaters to brown-rice eaters?
Even at low-level exposure, arsenic is not just a class I carcinogen, but may also impair our immune function and increase our risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
What happens when our crops are grown in soil contaminated with arsenic-based pesticides and arsenic drug-laced chicken manure?
What was the National Chicken Council’s response to public health authorities calling for the industry to stop feeding arsenic-based drugs to poultry?