The Best Way to Boost NAD+: Supplements vs. Diet (webinar recording)
The pros and cons of all the NAD+ supplements and what are the ways to boost NAD+ naturally with diet and lifestyle?
Topic summary contributed by volunteer(s): Randy
Dietary and environmental factors (such as asbestos exposure or consumption of alkylphenols) may play a role in the prevalence of lung disease. Some foods we may want to avoid to protect our lungs include processed meat, the artificial butter flavoring diacetyl (which has been linked to serious lung disease in microwave popcorn consumers), foods cooked using high temperature cooking methods, and even the fumes generated by frying meat may raise the risk of respiratory diseases.
A whole-food, plant-based diet may help prevent and treat COPD, and help prevent asthma and improve lung function in asthma patients. Supplements, however, do not seem to work. Consuming less methionine (found in animal products) may lower lung cancer risk, and amla, also known as Indian gooseberries, may reduce lung cancer cell growth in vitro.
For substantiation of any statements of fact from the peer-reviewed medical literature, please see the associated videos below.
The pros and cons of all the NAD+ supplements and what are the ways to boost NAD+ naturally with diet and lifestyle?
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The leading risk factor for death in the United States is the American diet.
There is a reason the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention prohibits not only smoking, but also scented or fragranced products in its buildings.
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We need to reform the food system before it’s too late.
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Twenty different materials put to the test.
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The next coronavirus pandemic may come from pigs not pangolins.
The role wet markets, wildlife trafficking, and pangolins have played in the emergence of SARS-CoV-2.
The role live animal markets and the trade in exotic animals have played in the emergence of deadly coronavirus outbreaks.
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Alternate-day modified fasting is put to the test for lifespan extension.
How few eggs should we eat to reduce the risk of prostate, ovarian, colon, and breast cancer?
The relationship between the consumption of eggs and other cholesterol-rich foods and cancers of the colon, breast, endometrium, pancreas, and throat.
On a puff-by-puff basis, cannabis smoke deposits four times more tar in the lungs than tobacco, but does this translate into increased cancer risk?
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