The Worst Food for Tooth Decay
One of the worst breakfast cereals will surprise you.
One of the worst breakfast cereals will surprise you.
Boiling, steaming, microwaving, air frying, and sous vide cooking are put to the test for nutrient retention.
The best and worst foods for bad breath and gum inflammation.
Seven dates a day for three weeks are put to the test in a randomized controlled trial.
Is butter—and other saturated fats—bad for you or not?
Dark roast coffee is more effective than light roast coffee in reducing body weight.
Dairy is compared to other foods for cardiovascular (heart attack and stroke) risk.
What about the recent studies that show cheese has neutral or positive health effects?
What to avoid and what to eat to help with dyspepsia.
The effects of Red Bull and Monster brand energy drinks on artery function and athletic performance.
Red Bull and Rockstar brand energy drinks are put to the test.
What happens when you put diabetics on a diet composed of largely whole grains, vegetables, and beans?
What would happen if you stopped brushing your teeth but ate healthier?
Addyi (flibanserin), the drug marketed for “hypoactive sexual desire disorder,” is ineffective and unsafe. What about dietary approaches for female sexual dysfunction?
The natural plant-based sweeteners stevia and monk fruit (Luo Han Guo) are pitted head-to-head against aspartame and Splenda.
High-fat plant foods—avocados, peanuts, and walnuts—and olive oil are put to the test.
What role do antibiotics play in the development and treatment of autism spectrum disorder?
Commercial influences may have corrupted the American College of Sports Medicine’s hydration guidelines.
What evidence is there that our meat-sweet diets play a cause-and-effect role in dementia?
Are the health benefits associated with apple consumption simply due to other healthy behaviors among apple-eaters?
Is the link between chocolate and acne due to the sugar, the milk, or the cocoa in chocolate? Researchers put white chocolate, dark chocolate, baking chocolate, and cocoa powder to the test to find out.
What are the effects of dairy products, sugar, and chocolate on the formation of pimples?
In this video, I explain my traffic light system for ranking the relative healthfulness of Green Light vs. Yellow Light vs. Red Light foods.
Studies funded by the Avocado Board suggest avocados may facilitate weight loss, but compared to what?
What does a review of the evidence on the effects of coconut oil on weight loss and belly fat find?
What did the most comprehensive double-blind study of diet for autism find, and what are the potential downsides?
What happens when autistic children on gluten- and casein-free diets are covertly challenged with wheat and dairy?
What is the role of dairy- and yeast-exclusion diets on arresting and reversing an inflammatory autoimmune disease?
Does the presence of Candida in stool correlate with “Candida-hypersensitivity” symptoms, such as headaches and tiredness? And what happens when people are placed on a high-sugar diet?
Do the medium-chain triglycerides in coconut oil and the fiber in flaked coconut counteract the negative effects on cholesterol and artery function?
It may be more expedient politically to promote an increase in consumption of healthy items rather than a decrease in consumption of unhealthy items, but it may be far less effective.
Whole plant sources of sugar and fat can ameliorate some of the postprandial (after-meal) inflammation caused by the consumption of refined carbohydrates and meat.
Within hours of eating an unhealthy meal, we can get a spike in inflammation, crippling our artery function, thickening our blood, and causing a fight-or-flight nerve response. Thankfully, there are foods we can eat at every meal to counter this reaction.
How should we parse the conflicting human data on intake of aspartame (Nutrasweet) and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, multiple myeloma, leukemia, and pancreatic cancer?
The majority of specialists in the field agreed that paraTB in meat and dairy likely represents a risk to human health and should be a high- or medium-priority public health issue.
Eating meat during breastfeeding is associated with an increased risk of type 1 diabetes, perhaps a consequence of meat glycotoxins or paratuberculosis bacteria that may be passed though breast milk.
Prediabetes and type 2 diabetes are caused by a drop in insulin sensitivity blamed on “intramyocellular lipid,” the buildup of fat inside our muscle cells.
Increasing the cost of cigarettes through tobacco taxes is one of the most effective ways to decrease the harms of smoking. What does the science say about taxing sodium, sugar, and saturated fat?
Sugar is no longer considered just empty calories, but an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease. So what happens if you switch to artificial sweeteners?
Dark chocolate is pitted against milk chocolate in a test of artery function.