Where Does the Arsenic in Chicken Come From?
What was the National Chicken Council’s response to public health authorities calling for the industry to stop feeding arsenic-based drugs to poultry?
What was the National Chicken Council’s response to public health authorities calling for the industry to stop feeding arsenic-based drugs to poultry?
Açaí berries are touted for their antioxidant power, but does that translate into increased antioxidant capacity of your bloodstream when you eat them?
Soy is put to the test for the treatment of prostate cancer.
Which appear more protective: fermented soy foods, such as miso and tempeh, or unfermented soy, like tofu and soy milk?
Since white blood cell count is such a strong predictor of lifespan, what should we aim for and how do we get it there?
Since white blood cell count is a sign of systemic inflammation, it’s no surprise that those with lower white blood cell counts live longer.
After the trans fat oil ban, the only remaining major sources of trans fat will be from meat and dairy.
Lemon balm may beat out drugs for controlling the symptoms of severe dementia.
Polyomaviruses discovered in meat can survive cooking and pasteurization.
What would happen if you secretly gave cancer patients four of the healthiest foods?
The reason egg consumption is associated with elevated cancer risk may be the TMAO, considered the “smoking gun” of microbiome-disease interactions.
Shaving before applying underarm antiperspirants can increase aluminum absorption. Could this explain the greater number of tumors and the disproportionate incidence of breast cancer in the upper outer quadrant of the breast near the armpit?
Physical fitness authorities seem to have fallen into the same trap as the nutrition authorities, recommending what they think may be achievable, rather than simply informing us what the science says and letting us make up our own mind.
It may be more expedient politically to promote an increase in consumption of healthy items rather than a decrease in consumption of unhealthy items, but it may be far less effective.
There is a food that offers the best of both worlds—significantly improving our ability to detox carcinogens like diesel fumes and decreasing inflammation in our airways—all while improving our respiratory defenses against infections.
What happens to hormone levels in women and men randomized to drink soy milk?
Do BPA-free plastics, such as Tritan, have human hormone-disrupting effects? And what about BPS and BPF?
What effect do chia seeds have on weight loss, blood sugar, cholesterol, blood pressure, and inflammation?
Just as most doctors smoked in the 1950s, most physicians today continue to consume foods that are contributing to our epidemics of dietary disease.
A mixture of results have been reported using green tea to try to stop or reverse the progression of oral cancer, lung cancer, cervical cancer, and colon cancer.
Within 40 minutes of green tea consumption, we get a boost in antioxidant power in our bloodstream, and, within 60 minutes, an upregulation of DNA repair.
How should we parse the conflicting human data on intake of aspartame (Nutrasweet) and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, multiple myeloma, leukemia, and pancreatic cancer?
Which foods and cooking methods should we choose and avoid, given the role advanced glycation end products (glycotoxins) may play in polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)?
Even a small amount of fresh herbs can double or even quadruple the antioxidant power of a meal. The abilities of oregano to decrease chromosomal damage from radiation and marjoram to affect hormone levels in women with PCOS are put to the test.
Miso is packed with sodium, which is linked to both stomach cancer and high blood pressure, so is it safe to consume?
Five cents’ worth of seaweed a day may dramatically improve a major cause of disability and compromised quality of life among women.
Which dietary changes could reduce free radical damage and also improve DNA repair in women with mutated BRCA genes?
What role do soy phytoestrogens play in the prevention and treatment of breast cancer?
From conjunctivitis to uveitis to a low-grade form of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, there is something in the spice turmeric with dramatic anti-inflammatory effects.
Prioritizing plant-based sources of iron may be more effective than giving blood at reducing the risk of potentially “ferrotoxic” (iron-related) diseases such as cancer and diabetes.
An extraordinary thing happened when those at high risk for heart disease were randomized to give blood—and it had nothing to do with their heart.
What are the protective components of dietary patterns and foods associated with lower risk of cerebrovascular disease, or stroke?
What would happen if babies were randomized at birth to a lifetime of low cholesterol levels? We already know because Mother Nature did exactly that! In this video, I introduce the concept of Mendelian randomization.
It took more than 7,000 studies and the deaths of countless smokers before the first Surgeon General report against smoking was finally released. Another mountain of evidence for healthier eating exists today, but much of society has yet to catch up to the science.
Does a cancer-causing herpes virus in chickens pose a public health threat?
Green tea is put to the test against precancerous lesions, prostate cancer, and metastatic cancer, and compared to the effects of black tea.
One third of men in their 30s may already have tiny, cancerous tumors in their prostates. How much tea would we have to drink to build up cancer-suppressing levels in our prostate tissue?
How the egg industry funded a study designed to cover up the toxic trimethylamine oxide reaction to egg consumption.
Should the active ingredient in aspirin be considered an essential vitamin?
The aspirin compounds naturally found in plant foods may help explain the lower cancer rates among those eating plant-based diets.