The Effects of Obesity on Dementia, Brain Function, and Fertility
Weight loss can decrease dementia risk and improve mental performance and infertility.
Weight loss can decrease dementia risk and improve mental performance and infertility.
Losing weight can reduce sciatica, hypertension, and cancer risk, and reverse type 2 diabetes.
Is there a nonsurgical alternative to knee replacement surgery that instead treats the cause and offers only beneficial side effects?
How can we explain the drop in stroke risk as the Japanese diet became Westernized by eating more meat and dairy?
What is the relationship between stroke risk and dairy, eggs, meat, and soda?
Implausible explanations for the obesity epidemic, such as sedentary lifestyles or lack of self-discipline, serve the needs of the manufacturers and marketers more than the public’s health and the interest in truth.
Like the tobacco industry adding extra nicotine, the food industry employs taste engineers to accomplish a similar goal: maximize the irresistibility of their products.
Why are U.S. taxpayers giving billions to support the likes of the sugar and livestock industries?
We have an uncanny ability to pick out the subtle distinctions in calorie density of foods, but only within the natural range.
Plant-based diets are put to the test for treating migraine headaches.
Bright light exposure synchronizes the central circadian clock in our brains, whereas proper meal timing helps sync the timing of the clock genes throughout the rest of our body.
Why are calories eaten in the morning less fattening than calories eaten in the evening?
17 ingredients to an ideal weight-loss diet and the 21 tweaks to accelerate the further loss of excess body fat.
In this live presentation, Dr. Greger offers a sneak peek into his book How Not to Diet.
Keto diets put to the test for diabetes reversal.
Ketogenic diets found to undermine exercise efforts and lead to muscle shrinkage and bone loss.
The effects of ketogenic diets on nutrient sufficiency, gut flora, and heart disease risk.
Might the appetite-suppressing effects of ketosis improve dietary compliance?
Ketogenic diets and the $33-billion diet gimmick.
Do low-carb and ketogenic diets have a metabolic advantage for weight loss?
The clinical use of ketogenic diets for epilepsy and cancer: what does the science say?
Were the flax seed studies showing 20 pounds of weight loss just flukes?
The remarkable impact of the structure of food beyond nutritional content or composition.
Boiling, steaming, microwaving, air frying, and sous vide cooking are put to the test for nutrient retention.
The best and worst foods for bad breath and gum inflammation.
Plant-based diets are put to the test in the treatment of periodontal disease.
Is butter—and other saturated fats—bad for you or not?
How the meat and dairy industries design studies showing their products have neutral or even beneficial effects on cholesterol and inflammation.
Dairy is compared to other foods for cardiovascular (heart attack and stroke) risk.
What to avoid and what to eat to help with dyspepsia.
The secret to unlocking the benefits of chia seeds may be grinding them up.
High-fat plant foods—avocados, peanuts, and walnuts—and olive oil are put to the test.
Chicken, fish, and egg powder in processed foods present greater risk from cholesterol oxidation byproducts, but there are things you can do to reduce exposure.
What evidence is there that our meat-sweet diets play a cause-and-effect role in dementia?
Are the health benefits associated with apple consumption simply due to other healthy behaviors among apple-eaters?
Studies funded by the Avocado Board suggest avocados may facilitate weight loss, but compared to what?
What does a review of the evidence on the effects of coconut oil on weight loss and belly fat find?
Certain gut bacteria can supercharge the benefits of soy foods, resulting in even more bone protection, better control of menopausal symptoms, and lower prostate cancer risk, but how can we foster the growth of these good bacteria?
The same diet that helps regulate hormones in women may also reduce exposure to endocrine-disrupting pollutants.
Are there dietary supplements that can help with atopic dermatitis?